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All about Plants - Pure Biology Cheat Sheet by

All about plants - For PB Olevel 6093

Parts of a plant

Leaves: Site of photos­ynt­hesis and gas exchange
Stem: Contains vascular bundles which transport water/­mineral salts as well as manufa­ctured food respec­tively to different parts of the plant
Roots: Site of water/­mineral salts absorption
Flowers: Contains reprod­uctive organs of the plant


Plants are autotr­ophs: They make their own food by a process of photos­ynt­hesis
Raw materials: Carbon dioxide (diffuse in through stomata) and water (absorbed through roots)
Condit­ions: Chloro­phyll pigment found in chloro­plast traps light energy
Products: Glucose (used by plant) and Oxygen (released to surrou­ndings)
Photos­ynt­hesis is a process in which green plants trap light energy and convert it to chemical energy for the formation of carboh­ydr­ates. This process involves the break down of inorganic molecules to synthesise inorganic molecules
This process starts of with light breaking down the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen by a process called photolysis
The hydrogen produced by this is used to reduce carbon dioxide to form glucose
Oxygen produced by photolysis diffuses out of the stomata into the surrou­ndings
Glucose is used by the plant n many ways. This is called the fate of glucose

Fate of glucose

The various ways glucose is used by the plant
Some glucose produced is converted to starch, a storage molecule, for future uses
Some glucose is metabo­lized by the plants (used by aerobic respir­ation to release energy)
Some glucose is converted to cellulose to enhance the rigidity of the cellulose cell walls of plant cells
Some glucose reacts with nitrate ions to form amino acids which condense to form essential proteins used by the plant
Some glucose is converted to sucrose for transport around the plant
Some glucose is converted to fats and oils for energy storage in seeds
Starch is a good storage molecule as it is insoluble in water. Hence water potential of cell sap in the plants cells remain constant and osmosis would not be affected

Factors affecting rate of photos­ynt­hesis

Limiting factors are abiotic factors that limit the rate of photos­ynt­hesis when present in a short supply
Such factors exist as raw materials of photos­ynt­hesis not always being readily available
Limiting factors of photos­ynt­hesis include: Co2 concen­tra­tion, light intensity, temper­ature of enviro­nment
Temper­ature changes results in variation of photos­ynt­hetic enzyme activity, light intensity changes results in variation of the amount of light energy available to the plant to convert to chemical energy, change in amount of carbon dioxide affects amount of glucose produced
Linear change (factor in the x axis is limiting photos­ynt­hesis), when the graph plateaus (some other factor is limiting)
As temper­ature increases, kinetic energy of enzyme and substrate molecules increases, greater frequency of collis­ions, high enzyme activity. Beyond optimum temper­ature, enzymes will denature and lose their specific active sites and enzyme activity will decrease
Water is not a limiting factor, as the amount of water required by the plant is so small that there is hardly a case where the water supplied for photos­ynt­hesis is to little

Gas exchange

Concen­tration of carbon dioxide outside the leaf is greater than inside the leaf. Hence carbon dioxide diffuses from the surrou­nding into the leaf through the stomata during photos­ynt­hesis
Concen­tration of oxygen inside the leaf is greater than outside the leaf. Hence oxygen diffuses out of the leaf into surrou­ndings during photos­ynt­hesis
Opposite during aerobic respir­ation
Gas exchan­ge-­-> diffusion of gases in and out of leaf through stomata

Parts of leaf structure

Waxy cuticle: Prevents water from evapor­ating from the top of the leaf (Made of wax to allow light to penetrate through)
Upper epidermis: Contains a layer of thin and transp­arent cells to allow light to penetrate through and fall on the palisade mesophyll layer
Palisade mesophyll layer: Contains vertically arranged palisade mesophyll layers which are tightly packed with chloro­plast, allowing maximum light to be absorbed, maximizing photos­ynt­hesis
Spongy mesophyll layer: Contains spongy mesophyll cells that have interc­ellular air spaces in between them
Lower epidermis: Contains guard cells and stomata
Guard cell: Become turgid­/fl­accid due to effects of osmosis, controls the size of stoma during day and night
Stomata: Small opening which is controlled by guard cells, where gases and water vapour diffuse through diffuse through
Palisade mesophyll layer, spongy mesophyll, lower epidermis (desce­nding chloro­plast concen­tration

Plant Reprod­uction

Nuclei in pollen grain: Generative nucleus (divides into two) and pollen tube nucleus
Nuclei found in ovum: Female nucleus
Double fertil­iza­tions (one nucleus fuses to form zygote whereas the other fuses to form endosperm
Pollen grain transf­erred from anther to sticky stigma of the flower. The pollen grain germinates into a pollen tube which will grow down the style of the flower. Pollen tube nucleus guides the growth of the pollen tube and the enzymes secreted by he pollen tube held o breakdown tissues surrou­nding it for optimal penetr­ation down the style. The generative nucleus divides to form 2 haploid nuclei. At the micropyle of the ovary, the tip of pollen absorbs sap and bursts releases both the male nuclei into the ovary. One male nucleus will fuse with the female nucleus to form a zygote and the other male nucleus will fuse with another female nuclei to form the endosperm (support embryonic growth)

Plant Reprod­uction

Nuclei in pollen grain: Generative nucleus (divides into two) and pollen tube nucleus
Nuclei found in ovum: Female nucleus
Double fertil­iza­tions (one nucleus fuses to form zygote whereas the other fuses to form endosperm
Pollen grain transf­erred from anther to sticky stigma of the flower. The pollen grain germinates into a pollen tube which will grow down the style of the flower. Pollen tube nucleus guides the growth of the pollen tube and the enzymes secreted by he pollen tube held o breakdown tissues surrou­nding it for optimal penetr­ation down the style. The generative nucleus divides to form 2 haploid nuclei. At the micropyle of the ovary, the tip of pollen absorbs sap and bursts releases both the male nuclei into the ovary. One male nucleus will fuse with the female nucleus to form a zygote and the other male nucleus will fuse with another female nuclei to form the endosperm (support embryonic growth)

Transport in Plants

Plants contains a vascular bundle in the stems. This vascular bundle contains xylem tissue, phloem tissue as well as cambium cells. The vascular bundle plays an integral role in transport of water and manufa­ctured food throughout the plant
Xylem - Tissue that transports water and mineral salts absorbed by the roots to other plants of the plant. The xylem tissue is dead (contains no organelles to prevent obstru­ction to flow of water and mineral salts) and the walls of the xylem tissue are lignified to provide sufficient mechanical support to ensure that the tissue will not collapse. No cross walls present
Phloem - Tissue that transports manufa­ctured food (sucrose) from leaves to sink organs down the pressure gradient. Phloem contains two types of cells, sieve tube cells as well as companion cells. As the name suggests a sieve tube cell is accomp­anied by a companion cell. The sieve tube cell has degene­rative protop­las­m/most of organelles are absent­(except cytoplasm) to prevent obstru­ction to flow of manufa­ctured food down the phloem. Companion cells contain many mitoch­ondria which release a lot of energy to load sugars into the sieve tube cells by active transport. High perforated sieve plates­/cr­oss­-walls are also present in the phloem tissue

Water transport

Root pressure
Hydros­tatic pressure generated by the roots to drive water and mineral ions absorbed the roots into the xylem tissue
Capillary action in the xylem tissue
Flow of water up the xylem vessels by the combined effects of cohesion forces between water molecules as well as adhesion forces between water molecules and the wall of the xylem tissue
Transp­iration pull
Pulling force produced in the xylem that drives water and mineral ions up the xylem tissue as a results of water loss in the leaves due to transp­iration (replace the water lost)
Transp­iration is defined as the loss of water vapour from the leaves. Water evaporates from the surface of spongy mesophyll cell and into the air spaces. The concen­tration of water vapour inside the leaf is higher than the water vapour in air surrou­nding the leaf. Hence water vapour diffuses out of the leaf through the stomata. Transp­iration pull drags water up the xylem to replace the water lost from the surface of spongy mesophyll cell

Factors affecting rate of transp­iration

↑ humidity, ↑ WV in surrou­ndings, ↓ steep WV concen­tration gradient, ↓ rate of diffusion of water vapour, ↓ transp­iration
Wind Speed
↑ wind speed, ↓ WV in surrou­ndings, ↑ steep WV concen­tration gradient, ↑ rate of diffusion of water vapour, ↑ transp­iration
Light intensity
↑ light intensity, ↑ size of stomata, ↑ more water vapour can escape, ↑ transp­iration
↑ temper­ature, ↑ water on surface of spongy mesophyll cells evaporate and move into interc­ellular air spaces, ↑ water vapour lost, ↑ transp­iration

Sucrose transport

Glucose produced from photos­ynt­hesis is converted to sucrose to prevent mitoch­ondria in leaf cells from using it to release energy through aerobic respir­ation
Sucrose is first loaded by companion cells into sieve tube cells by active transport. WP of phloem decreases below xylem and water from xylem move into phloem. Pressure in phloem at leaf increases and manufa­ctured food and water move down the phloem from leaf to sink organ. At sink organ, sucrose is loaded out of sieve tube cells with the help of companion cells by active transport. WP of phloem increases more than xylem and water from phloem move into xylem


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