BOTANY_ Study of plants |
ZOOLOGY-Study of animals. |
MORPHOLOGY-It deals with study of different organs of a plant.HISTOLOGY- Study of tissues.ANATOMY-Study of different tissues like root, stem, leaf, flowers, seeds, etc.CYTOLOGY-Study of cell structure and functions. PHYCOLOGY-Study of algae .MYCOLOGY-Study of fungi. LICHENOLOGY-Study of lichens. BACTERIOLOGY-Study of bacteria. VIROLOGY- Study of viruses. BRYOLOGY- Study of bryophytes. PTERIDOLOGY- Study of pteridophytes.EMBRYOLOGY-Study related to gametes , fertilization,development of embryo. |
MICROBIOLOGY- Study of microorganisms. PROTOZOOLOGY-Study of protozoans.PARAZOOLOGY-Study of sponges. CNIDOLOGY -Study of cnidarians HELMINTHOLOGY-Study of helminthes. CARCINOLOGY -Study of crustaceans. ACAROLOGY- Study of tick and mites. ENTOMOLOGY-Study of insects. APIOLOGY-Study of honey bees. LEPIDOPTEROLOGY- Study of butterfiles. MYRMECOLOGY-Study of ants. MALCOLOGY-Study of molluscs. CONCHOLOGY -Study of molluscan shells. |
EXOBIOLOGY Study of life in other plants. GERENTOLOGY-Study of aging in humans. GNATOBIOLOGY-Study of germ free living organisms. ICHNOLOGY- Study of foot prints. IMMUNOLOGY-Study of immune systems of body . LIMNOLOGY- Study of life in fresh water bodies. NEONTOLOGY-Study of recently formed organisms. ONCHOLOGY- Study of cancer. ONTOGENY-Study of history of individual. |
DIFFERENT FIELDS OF BOTANY - PALYNOLOGY - Study of pollen grains and spores. ECOLOGY-Study of interrelations between living bodies and their environment.PHYSIOLOGY-Study of absorption of water and minerals salts in plants.PHYTOGEOGRAPHY-It deals with the distribution of plants on earth in past and present.GENETICS-Study of heredity and variations.PALEOBOTANY-Study of fossil plants. |
ICHTHYOLOGY- Study of fishes. TORPEDOLOGY- Study of rays and skates. BATRACOLOGY-Study of frogs.HERPETOLOGY- Study of amphibians and reptiles. SAUROLOGY-Study of lizards. OPHIOLOGY- Study of snakes. ORNITHOLOGY- Study of birds. NIDOLOGY- Study of birds nests.AEROBIOLOGY- Study of flying organisms. MAMMOLOGY- Study of mammals. CHIROPTEROLOGY- Study of bats. ANTROPOLOGY- Study of human races. |
PSYCHOLOGY- Study of human mind. TELEOLOGY- Study of interpretations of structure in terms of utility and purpose. SONOLOGY Study of hearing. VETERINARY SCIENCES- Study of domestic animals. ZYMOLOGY Study of enzymes. |
APPLIED BRANCHES -AGRICULTURE-Study of cultivation of crops.HORTICULTURE -Study of garden plants for fruits and vegetables.FLORICULTURE- Study of cultivation of flowers.FORESTRY-Study of forest plants for timber.PHARMACOGNOSY-Study of medicinal plants.PLANT BREEDING - Study of newer and improved plants.PLANT PATHOLOGY-Study of diagnosis, cure,and prevention of plant diesases. |
MEDICAL BRANCHES TRICHOLOGY- Study of hair. DERMATOLOGY- Study of skin. OPHTHALOMOLOGY- Study of eyes. RHINOLOGY - Study of nose. LARYNGOLOGY- Study of larynx. OTOLOGY- Study of ear . ODONTOLOGY- Study nof teeth and gums. CRANIOLOGY- Study of cranium. OSTEOLOGY- Study of bones. ARTHROLOGY- Study of joints. SARCOLOGY- Study of muscles. HAEMATOLOGY- Study of blood. ANGIOLOGY- Study of blood vessels. SEROLOGY- Study of serum. CARDIOLOGY- Study of heart. PLEUROLOGY- Study of lungs. RENOLOGY- Study of kidneys. UROLOGY- Study of excretory system. NEPHROLOGY- Study of kidneys |
APPLIED BRANCHES _ BIOCLIMATOLOGY Study of effect of climate on living organisms. BIOMETRY -Applications of mathematics in living organisms. APICULTURE - Rearing of honey bees. AQUACULTURE- Culturing of acquatic organisms. PISCICULTURE-Culturing of fishes. SERICULTURE- Rearing of silk worms. WORMICULTURE- Rearing of worms. |
OTHER BRANCHES-BIOTECHNOLOGY-Study of utilization of living organisms obtained from them in industrial production.PHYTO CHEMISTRY-Study of chemicals present in the plants. AGRONOMY- It deals with the management of agricultural crops plants.POMOLOGY-It yields with the fruits and fruit yielding plants.OLERICULTURE_Study of cutivation of vegetable crops.ARBORICULTURE- Study of growing ornamental plants.SYLVICULTURE-Study of growing timber yeilding trees. AGROSTOLOGY-Study of grass plants.PEDOLOGY-Study of soils. ANTHOLOGY- Study of flowers. ANTHOTAXY-Arrangement of flowers on the peduncle. |
PHRENOLOGY-Study of brain. MASTOLOGY- Study of breasts. ANDROLOGY-Study of male reproductive organs. GYNAECOLOGY-Study of female reproductive organs. ORGANOLOGY-Study of organs. SPLANCHNOLOGY- Study of visceral organs.ALLIED BRANCHES RADIOBIOLOGY- Study of radiations on living organisms. CRYOBIOLOGY- Study of life at low temperatures. CTETOLOGY- Study of acaquired charcters of plants and animals . EPIDERMALOGY- Study of epidemic diseases. ETIOLOGY- Study of origin of diseases. ETHLOGY- Study of animal behaviour. EUGENICS- Study of improvements of human races by applying genetic laws. |
BIOCHEMISTRY- Study of chemicals related to living organisms. BIOMETRICS-Deals with applications of statistics of analysing biological problems. CYTOGENETICS- In this branch we study chromosomes and their role in inheritance and evolution.DENDROLOGY-Study of trees and shurbs. LIMNOLOGY- Study of physical and chemical , metrological conditions of fresh water. EXOBIOLOGY-Study of living organisms in space. RADIOBIOLOGY- Study of effects of radiations on living organisms. |
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