TMV is most extensively studied plant virus. |
They are pathogenic virus infecting bacteria |
POX virus is aa casual agent of small pox. |
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS)is an infectious diseases is caused by a virus known as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) |
It is elongated rod-like,3000A0long ,180A0 in diameter, molecular weight being 39.4*106, 95%protein and 5% RNA by weight interwined to form helical ,grooved,cylinderical rods. |
Twort discovered the bacteriophages. The structure of T4 bacteriophage contains head and tail regions. |
pox virus are among the largest of animal virus ,have complex structure and rectangular shaped |
This virus also called as Human T lymphotropic virus 3 or AIDS related retrovirus (ARV) |
The walls of the cylinder are 70A0 thick.2130 capsomers are arranged helically to form aa capsid . |
Head is folded double standard DNA is packed in head.Head is hexagonal with around 2000 capsomeres. |
This is rectangular shaped (300*230mU) in size ,6% double standard DNA ,89% protein ,5% lipids. |
AIDS virus consists of single standard RNA surrounded by protein coat( core shell) the entire structure is wrapped around in an envelope. |
49 capsomers are present in 3 turns and 130 turns in complete virus capsid. Each capsomere has a molecular weight of 17,400 and is formed by condensation of 158 aminoacids |
Tail is helically symmetrical with a core tube surrounded by a protein tail sheath consists of 144 capsomeres arranged in 24 rings of 6 subunits. The sheath is connected to collar at its upper end and base plate at lower end. |
Genome is dumb bell shaped;central core has dsDNA. |
After entering the blood, AIDS virus infects the helper T-LYMPHOCYTES(not the suppressor T-cells) and destroy them. Helper T cell plays an essential role in antibody production. |
RNA strand is embeddedin furrow and therefore,it is helical;ssRNA consists of 6400 nucleotides.Thus , the approximate ratio of nucleotides and capsomers is 3:1 |
basal plate is hexagonal with single pin or spike at each corner. A thin tail fibre is also given out of the corner . A enzyme lysozyme is responsible for dissolving the bacterial cell wall is present in tail fibers. |
The core contains two enzymes - RNA polymerase and **ATP-phosphohydralase.On both sides of the core lie lateral bodies one on each side. |
Thus, AIDS virus destroy an important link in immune defence rendering the individuals prone to infectious diseases and tumour formation. |
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