Rows - Grid System
Rows are in .container or .container-fluid |
.col-xs- |
Always |
Full |
.col-sm- |
>768 |
750 wide |
.col-md- |
>992 |
970 wide |
.col-lg- |
>1200 |
1170 wide |
Resets, Offsets, Pushes, Pulls
.clearfix |
.col-xs-offset- (sm, md, lg) |
Nest using a .row inside a col |
.col-xs-push- (sm, md, lg) |
.col-xs-pull- (sm, md, lg) |
.visible-xs (sm, md, lg) |
.hidden-xs (sm, md, lg) |
.visible-print |
.hidden-print |
Grid Variables
@grid-columns: |
12 |
@grid-gutter-width: |
30px |
@grid-float-breakpoint: |
768px |
Using Grid Mixin CSS
.wrapper {.make-row();}
.content-main {.make-lg-column(8);}
.content-secondary {
} |
Using Grid Mixin HTML
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="content-main">...</div>
<div class="content-secondary">...</div>
</div> |
.h1 |
.h2 |
.h3 |
.h4 |
.h5 |
.h6 |
.small |
<small> |
.lead |
@font-size-base | @line-height-base
.text-left |
.text-right |
.text-center |
.text-justify |
Text Helpers
.text-muted |
.text-primary |
.text-success |
.text-info |
.text-warning |
.text-danger |
.bg-primary |
.bg-success |
.bg-info |
.bg-warning |
.bg-danger |
.text-hide |
.sr-only |
.list-unstyled |
.list-inline |
<dl> <dt>...</dt> <dd>...</dd> </dl> |
.dl-horizontal |
.img-responsive (max-width:100%, height:auto) |
.img-rounded |
.img-circle |
.img-thumbnail (double border) |
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Default</button>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg active" role="button">Primary link</a> |
Button Classes
.btn-default |
.btn-primary |
.btn-success |
.btn-info |
.btn-warning |
.btn-danger |
.btn-link (to look like a link) |
.btn-lg |
.btn-sm |
.btn-xs |
.btn-block |
.active (A tag) |
.disabled (A tag) |
disabled="disabled" |
.label |
.label-default |
primary, success, info, warning, danger |
<span class="label label-default">New</span>
<span class="badge">42</span> |
.alert .alert-success |
success, info, warning, or danger |
.alert-dismissable |
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">×</button> |
<a href="#" class="alert-link">...</a> |
.table |
.table-striped |
.table-bordered |
.table-hover |
.table-condensed |
.table-responsive |
Wrap .table in .table-responsive
<div class='table-responsive'>
Rows or Cells
.active |
.success |
.info |
.warning |
.danger |
abbr <abbr title="attribute">attr</abbr>
address <address> <strong>Twitter, Inc.</strong><br> 795 Folsom Ave, Suite 600<br> San Francisco, CA 94107<br> <abbr title="Phone">P:</abbr> (123) 456-7890 </address>
blockquote <blockquote> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer</p> </blockquote>
blockquote footer <footer>Someone famous in <cite title="Source Title">Source Title</cite></footer>
blockquote right justify .blockquote-reverse
code <code><section></code>
kbd Keyboard Entry <kbd>cd</kbd>
.pre-scrollable Max Height 350px box, with y-axis scrollbar. Used with pre tag
close button <button type="button" class="close" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
Caret <span class="caret"></span>
Floats .pull-left .pull-right
Float Mixin .element { .pull-left(); }
Clear Floats .clearfix
Center Block (mixin also) .center-block (display:block, margin auto) | .center-block();
Show (mixin also) .show | .show();
Hide (mixin also) .hide | .hide();
Glyphicons <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>
Created By
Favourited By
and 68 more ...
Great cheat sheet! I've been working with Bootstrap a bit recently and this is going to be really handy.
Came to find this, was happy to see it on the homepage!
Love this
it's awesome.. :)
thanks that is really good
Yo, copy and pasting your classes gives double -- in the class names? Any idea why this might be?
this is a nice notes for all thanks sirji
I have given a interview, in it a interviewer ask me, how can i give top-margin of 5px in bootstrap, tell me the class name, I told him, we can give by adding custom class. Because as i study and worked. I didn't see a class like that,
has bootstrap as top-margin or margin class? by default.
Here is a cheat sheet I put together that has a sortable index of all of the classes with descriptions.
It is one of my goals to learn/ master Bootstrap. For me it is easier to dissect it into its component parts. The bootstrap.css is huge and involves normalize.css, glyphicons.css, and probably other components as well. Having a cheat sheet that breaks it down is very helpful. Thank you!
Here is a Bootstrap CSS classes desk reference pdf and a sortable table with descriptions to help sort through the list. You can find it here.
Why can't I download the pdf file through the "Download this Cheat Sheet (PDF)" link? Thanks.
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