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Feedback and Techniques Cheat Sheet by

Feedback definitions, positive and negative feedback and techniques for Second Language Learning.


Feedback is one of the most conceived and important classroom functions of the teacher that can be classified into positive and negative feedback.

Positi­ve/­Rei­nfo­rcement Feedback

Positive feedback means to let students know that they performed correctly, and to increase motivation through praise
- Positive feedback uses words such as "­goo­d", "­gre­at", "­oka­y" and "­exc­ell­ent­".

Negati­ve/­Cor­rective Feedback

Negative feedback consists on letting the students know that the response or perfor­mance was incorrect pointing out areas that need improv­ement and how to improve.
- Commonly uses the rise of intona­tion, repetition of the students response or simply providing the correct answer (corre­ction).

Feedback Recomm­end­ations


Effective Feedback

1. Praise particular activities and perfor­mance criteria.
2. Praise when recogn­izing effort and success in different tasks.
3. Praise task-r­elevant behavior after the task or the activity is completed.
4. Giving them more respon­sib­ili­ties, or let him explain and help others gives them a sign that they are doing a good job.

Feedback Techniques



1. Ask the students or employees, how they think they're doing (self assess­ment).
2. Tell them their behavi­or/­per­for­mance was or how should've been done / how the teacher expected.
3. Ask the studen­t/e­mployee how they think they can do to improve.

Sandwich Technique

1. Praise their good perfor­mance and strengths
2. Tell them the behavi­or/­per­for­mance they had and how should've been done/ how the teacher expected.
3. Praise they're ability to adapt or modify that behavi­or/­per­for­mance.

Feedback Recomm­end­ations


Ineffe­ctive Feedback

1. Praise simply for partic­ipation instead of specific criteria.
2. Praise regardless of the difficulty or effort expended in the accomp­lis­hment of tasks.
3. Praise only during the activity (ongoing) regardless of behavior.

Feedback Techniques


Bridge Technique

Connecting concepts together from past to future behavior.
1. Past positive behavi­or/­per­for­mance.
2. Present observed behavi­or/­per­for­mance.
3. Future behavi­or/­per­for­mance expected.


By: Ailyn Garcia


English Teaching to Adults


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