A Matrix |
row, columns |
Coefficients Matrix |
Just Left Hand Side |
Augmented Matrix |
Left and Right Hand Side |
Solving Linear Systems |
(1) Augmented Matrix (2) Row Operations (3) Solution to Linear System The RHS is the solution |
One Solution |
Upper triangle with Augmented Matrix |
No Solution |
Last row is all zeros = RHS number |
Infinitely Many Solutions |
Last row (including RHS) is all zeros |
Inconsistent |
Has No Solution |
Echelon Matrix |
(1) Zero Rows at the bottom (2) Leading Entries are down and to the right (3) Zeros are below each leading entry |
Reduced Echelon Matrix |
(1) The leading entry of each nonzero row is 1 (2) Zeros are below AND above each 1 |
Pivot Position |
Location of Matrix that Corresponds to a leading 1 in REF |
Pivot Column |
Column in Matrix that contains a pivot |
To get to EF |
down and right |
To get to REF |
up and left |
Free Variables |
Variables that don't correspond to pivot columns |
Consistent System |
Pivot in every Column |
RR2 |
Set of all vectors with 2 rows |
Vector Equation |
x1a1+x2a2+x3a3 =b |
Matrix Equation |
Ax=b |
If A is an m x n matrix the following are all true or all false |
Ax = b has a solution for every b in RRm Every b in RRm is a lin. combo of columns in A Columns of A span RRm Matrix A has a pivot in every row (i.e. no row of zeros) |
Anything in Bold means it is a vector.
Homogeneous |
Ax = 0 |
Trivial Solution |
Ax = 0 if at lease one column is missing a pivot |
Determine if homogenous Linear System has a non trivial solution |
(1) Write as Augmented Matrix (2) Reduce to EF (3) Determine if there are any free variables(column w/o pivot) (4) If any free variables, than a non-trivial solution exists (5) Non-Trivial Solution can be found by further reducing to REF and solving for x |
If Ax = 0 has one free variable |
Than x is a line that passes through the origin |
If Ax = 0 has two free variables |
Than x has a plane that passes through the origin |
Linear Independence |
No free Variables, none of the vectors are multiples of each other |
To check ind/dep |
reduce augmented matrix to EF and see if there are free variables(ie. every column must have a pivot to be linearly independent) |
To check if multiples |
u = c * v find value of c, then it is a multiple therefore linearly dependent |
Linearly Dependent |
If there are more columns than rows |
Every Matrix Transformation is a: |
Linear Transformation |
T(x) = |
A(x) |
If A is m x n Matrix, then the properties are |
(1) T(u + v) = T(u) + T(v) (2) T(cu) = cT(u) (3) T(0) = 0 (4) T(cu + dv) = cT(u) + dT(v) |
RRn --> RRm is said to be 'onto' |
Equation T(x) =Ax=b has a unique solution or more than one solution each row has a pivot |
RRn --> RRm is said to be one-to-one |
Equation T(x) =Ax=b has a unique solution or no solution each row has a pivot |
Addition of Matrices |
Can Add matrices if they have same # of rows and columns (ie A(3x4) and B(3x4) so you can add them) |
Multiply by Scalar |
Multiply each entry by scalar |
Matrix Multiplication (A x B) |
Must each row of A by each column of B |
Powers of a Matrix |
Can compute powers by if the matrix has the same number of columns as rows |
Transpose of Matrix |
row 1 of A becomes column 1 of A row 2 of A becomes column 2 of A |
Properties of Transpose |
(1) if A is m x n, then AT is n x m (2) (AT)T = A (3) (A + B)T = A T + B T (4) (tA)T = tAT (5) (A B)T = BT AT |
Singular matrix |
A matrix that is NOT investable |
Determinate of A (2 x 2) Matrix |
det A = ad - bc |
If A is invertable & (nxn) |
There will never be no solution or infinitely many solutions to Ax = b |
Properties of Invertable Matricies |
(A-1)-1 = A (assuming A & B are investable) (AB)-1 = B-1 A-1 (AT)-1 = (A-1)T |
Finding Inverse Matrix |
[A | I ] --> [ I | A-1] Use row operations STOP when you get a row of Zeros, it cannot be reduced |
2.3 Invertable Matrix Theorem
A subspace S of RRn is a subspace is S satisfies: |
(1) S contains zero vector (2) If u & v are in S, then u + v is also in S (3) If r is a real # & u is in S, then ru is also in S |
Subspace RR3 |
Any Plane that Passes through the origin forms a subspace RR3 Any set that contains nonlinear terms will NOT form a subspace RR3 |
Null Space (Nul A) |
To determine in u is in the Nul(A), check if: Au = 0 If yes --> then u is in the Nullspace |
Dimension of a non-zero Subspace |
# of vectors in any basis; it is the # of linearly independent vectors |
Dimension of a zero Subspace |
is Zero |
Dimension of a Column Space |
# of pivot columns |
Dimension of a Null Space |
# of free variables in the solution Ax=0 |
Rank of a Matrix |
# of pivot columns |
The Rank Theorem |
Matrix A has n columns: rank A (# pivots) + dim Nul A (# free var.) = n |
dim = dimension; var. = variable
Calculating Determinant of Matrix A is another way to tell if a linear system of equations has a solution |
(1) Det(A) not =0, then Ax=b has a unique solution (2) Det(A) =0, then Ax=b has no solutions or inf many |
If Ax not= 0 |
A-1 exist |
If Ax = 0 |
A-1 Does NOT exist |
Cofactor Expansion |
Use row/column w/ most zeros |
If Matrix A has an upper or lower triangle of zeros |
The det(A) is the multiplication down the diagonals |
Determinate Property 1 |
If a multiple of 1 row of A is added to another row to produce Matrix B, then det(B)=det(A) |
Determinate Property 2 |
If 2 rows of A are interchanged to produce B, then det(B)=-det(A) |
Determinate Property 3 |
If one row of A is multiplied to produce B, then det(B)=k*det(A) |
Assuming both A & B are n x n Matrices |
(1) det(AT) = det(A) (2) det(AB) = det(A)*det(B) (3) det(A-1) = 1/det(A) (4) det(cA) = cn det(A) (5) det(Ar) = (detA)r |
3.3 AKA Cramer's Rule
Cramer's Rule |
Can be used to find the solution to a linear system of equations Ax=b when A is an investable square matrix |
Def. of Cramer's Rule |
Let A be an n x n invertible matrix. For any b in RRn, the unique solution x of Ax=b has entries given by xi = detAi(b)/det(A) i = 1,2,...n |
Ai(b) |
is the matrix A w/ column i replaced w/ vector b |
Au=λu |
A is an nxn matrix. A nonzero vector u is an eigenvector of A if there exists such a scalar λ |
To determine if λ is an eigenvalue |
reduce [(A-λI)|0] to echelon form and see if it has any free variables. yes -> λ is Eigenvalue no -> λ is not eigenvalue |
To determine if given vector is an eigenvector |
Ax=λx |
Eigenspace of A = |
Nullspace of (A-λI) |
Eigenvalues of triangular Matrix |
entries along diagonal *you CANNOT row reduce a matrix to find its eigenvalues |
If λ is an eigenvalue of a Matrix A |
then (A-λI)x=0 will have a nontrivial solution |
A nontrivial solution will exist |
if det(A-λI)=0 (Characteristic Equation) |
A is nxn Matrix. A is invertible if and only if |
(1) The # 0 is NOT an λ of A (2) The det(A) is not zero |
Similar Matrices |
If nxn Matrices A and B are similar, then they have the same characteristic polynomial (same λ) with same multiplicities |
A matrix A written in diagonal form |
A=PDP-1 |
Power of Matrix |
Ak = Diagonal matrix and #'s on diagonal get raised to the k |
Determining if Matrix is Diagonalizable |
λ of a nxn matrix |
n distinct (or real) λ then matrix is diagonalizable less than n λ, it may or may not be diagonalizable; it will be if # of linearly dependent eigenvectors = n |
eigenvectors of nxn matrix |
n linearly independent eigenvectors, then diagonalizable less than n linearly independent eigenvectors, then matrix is NOT diagonlizable |
D |
matrix w/ λ down diagonal |
P |
columns of P have linearly n linearly independent eigenvectors |
Finding P |
solve A-λI and plug in the λ values. Reduce to EF, solve for x, & find eigenvector |
Length of vector x |
||x|| = sqrt(x12+x22) |
Length fo vector x in RR2 |
||x|| = sqrt(x • x) |
The Unit Vector |
u = v/||v|| |
Two vectors u & v in RRn, the distance between u & v |
||u - v|| |
Two vectors u & v are orthogonal if and only if |
||u+v||2= ||u||2 +||v||2 u • v = 0 |
The distance from y to the line through u & the origin |
||z|| = ||y - y-hat|| |
Gram- Schmidt Process Overview |
take a given set of vectors & transform them into a set of orthogonal or orthonormal vectors |
Given x1 & x2, produce v1 & v2 where the v's are perp. to each other |
(1) Let v1=x1 (2) Find v2; v2=x2 - x2hat |
x2 hat |
(x2•v1)/(v1•v1) * v1 |
Orthogonal Basis |
{v1,v2,...,vn} |
Orthonormal Basis |
{v1/||v1||, v2/ ||v2||,..., vn/||vn||} |
Symmetric Matrix |
A square matrix where AT=A |
If A is a symmetric Matrix |
then eigenvectors associated w/ distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal If a matrix is symmetrical, it has an orthogonal & orthonormal basis of vectors |
Orthogonal matrix is a square matrix w/ orthonormal columns |
(1) Matrix is square (2) Columns are orthogonal (3) Columns are unit vectors |
If Matrix P has orthonormal columns |
If P is a nxn orthogonal matrix |
PT=P-1 |
A must be symmetric, P must be normalized |
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