PE (Pulmonary Circulation)
Definition |
Etiology Arises from thrombi in the systemic venous circulation of the right side of the heart, or from tumors in the venous circulation.
Where do more than 90% of pulmonary emboli originate from? DVT in lower extremities
Virchow's Triad (risk factors) Venous stasis + endothelial injury + hypercoagulable state (pregnancy, cancer, estrogen OCP, nephrotic syndrome)
Clinical features Tachycardia + tachypnea
Gold standard diagnostic test Spiral CT
Treatment Anticoagulation (heparin, Lovenox, warfarin) for at least 3 months
Buzzwords: Dyspnea after surgery, travel (airplane), LE Fx. May have c/o calf pain also. Lung scan with perfusion defects, venous stasis + vessel wall injury + hypercoagulability
Definition Chronic fibrotic lung diseases caused by inhalation of coal dust or various inert/inorganic/silicate dusts
Clinically important pneumoconioses Coal workers' pneumoconiosis, silicosis, and asbestosis
Clinical Features Often asymptomatic, can have dyspnea, inspiratory crackles, clubbing, and cyanosis
Lab Findings PGTs show restrictive dysfunction and reduced diffusing capacity. CXR variable.
Treatment Supportive (no effective tx available): O2, vaccines, rehab
Foreign Body Aspiration
Definition Aspiration of gastric contents, inert material, toxic material, or poorly-chewed food. Know Heimlich maneuver!
Clinical Features Chocking, coughing, unexplained wheezing or hemoptysis
Possible Sequelae Asphyxia, PNA (aspiration pneumonia),
What is one of the most common causes of ARDS? Acute gastric aspiration
Lab Studies Expiratory radiography may show regional hyperinflation caused by a check valve effect
Treatment Bronchoscopy for diagnosis and removal/treatment. Cultures should be obtained if post-obstructive PNA suspected
Pulmonary HTN (Pulmonary Circulation)
Definition Present when the pulmonary arterial pressure rises to a level inappropriate for a given cardiac output; self-perpetuation once present
Primary (idiopathic) pulmonary HTN Rare + fatal
Secondary pulmonary HTN Many causes that develop as a result from obliteration and obstruction of the pulmonary arterial tree
Hypoxia Most important/potent stimulus of pulmonary arterial vasoconstriction (others are acidosis and veno-occlusive diseases)
Clinical features Dyspnea, angina-like pain, weakness, fatigue, edema, ascites, cyanosis, syncope
Signs on physical exam Narrow splitting and accentuation of the 2nd heart sound, systolic ejection click
Treatment Chronic oral anticoagulants, CCB to lower systemic arterial pressure, and prostacyclin (a potent pulmonary vasodilator), and heart-lung transplant
ARDS (Acute adult respiratory distress syndrome)
Definition Increased permeability of the alveolar capillary membranes --> leads to pulmonary edema and widespread inflammation
3 Clinical Settings that account for 75% of ARDS cases Sepsis syndrome + severe multiple trauma + aspiration of gastric contents
Clinical Features Rapid onset of dyspnea 12-24 hrs after the precipitating event, PE shows tachycardia, frothy pink/red sputum, diffuse crackles. Many pts are cyanotic with increasingly severe hypoxemia that is refractory to administered O2
Lab Findings CXR shows peripheral infiltrates with air bronchograms, spares costophrenic angle, can get multi-organ failure
Treatment Treat underlying precipitating problems, supportive care (O2, PEEP), high mortality rate. 33% of deaths occur within 3 days of ARDS sx onset
Definition Multiorgan disease involving abnormal collections of inflammatory cells (granulomas), most often in the lungs
Classic Patient Higher incidence in North American black women, and northern European whites
Clinical features Respiratory sx (cough, dyspnea of insidious onset, chest discomfort)
Other extrapulmonary signs/sx Malaise, fever, erythema nodosum or enlargement of parotid glands/lymph nodes/spleen/liver
Lab Findings ACE levels elevated, CXR shows bilateral hilar and right paratracheal adenopajhty and bilateral diffuse reticular infiltrates
How to confirm diagnosis Transbronchial biopsy of the lung or fine-needle node biopsy --> will show non-caseating granulomas
Treatment Corticosteroids at maintenance doses
Idiopathic Fibrosing Interstitial Pneumonia
General Most common dx among pts with interstitial lung disease.
Three histopathologic patterns w/ different natural histories and treatments Usual interstitial PNA, respiratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease, and acute interstitial pneumonitis
Clinical Features Insidious dry cough, exertional dyspnea, constitutional sx. Exam might show clubbing and inspiratory crackles.
Lab Findings CXR shows fibrosis, CT shows fibrosis + pleural honeycombing, PFTs show restrictive pattern (decreased lung volume with a normal to increased FEV1/FVC ratio)
Treatment Controversial--none has been showed to improve survival or QOL
Hyaline Membrane Disease
Definition Developmental insufficiency of surfactant production and structural insufficiency in lungs. Most common cause of respiratory disease in preterm infant
Etiology Deficiency of surfactant
Clinical Features Signs of respiratory distress
Lab Findings CXR shows air bronchograms, diffuse bilateral atelectasis causing a ground glass appearance, doming of the diaphragm
Treatment Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation. (Can also give exogenous surfactant in delivery room for prophylaxis)
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