Definition Airflow obstruction + bronchial hyperreactivity + airway inflammation
Strongest predisposing factor Atopy (=immediate allergy): triad contains wheeze, eczema, seasonal rhinitis
Exacerbating factors Allergens, URI, exercise, GERD, drugs (Bblockers, ACEi, ASA, NSAIDs), stress, cold air
Clinical features cough, chest tightness, breathlessness, wheezing (all intermittent)
Airflow obstruction FEV1/FVC < 75%
Diagnostic FEV1 value >10% increase in FEV1 after bronchodilator therapy
Test to establish diagnosis Histamine or metacholine test. FEV1 decrease >20% is diagnostic.
Medications 1) Quick relief medications (SABA) 2) Long-term control (corticosteroids, leukotreine modifiers, theophylline)
Asthma rescue med SABA (albuterol)
Chronic management med Inhaled corticosteroids
Buzzwords: Wheezing, prolonged expiration, airway edema with eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
Definition An autosomal recessive disorder that results in abnormal production of mucus by almost all exocrine glands, and causes obstruction of those glands/ducts
Increase risk of these malignancies GI, osteopenia, arthropathies
Median survival 31 years
Clinical features Young patient with history of chronic lung disease, pancreatitis, or infertility
Symptoms Cough, excess sputum, decreased exercise tolerance, sinus pain, purulent nasal disharge, steatorrhea, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Signs clubbing, increased AP chest diameter, apical crackles
Diagnostic lab value Elevated quantitative sweat chloride test (>60 mEq/L) on 2 different days
Buzzwords: Pediatric with Hx recurrent lung infections, pancreatitis, reproductive problems, FTT, sweat chloride test, Pseudomonas aueroginosa can cause PNA in these pts.
Syndrome made up of emphysema + chronic bronchitis
Emphysema def. Air spaces are enlarged as a consequence of destruction of alveolar septae
Chronic bronchitis def. Characterized by a chronic cough that is productive of phlegm occurring on most days for 3 months of the year for 2+ consecutive years without another acute cause
Biggest cause Smoking
Clinical features SOB, cough, sputum, pursed-lip breathing, resonance to percussion, early inspiratory crackles, wheezing, prolonged expiratory phase
CXR findings Hyperinflation of the lungs and a flat diaphragm
Treatment Smoking cessation, anticholinergic inhalers (ipratropium>>SABA), oral abx (high risk of infx)
What is the only therapy that may alter the course of COPD in patients with resting hypoxemia PaO2 <55 or SaO2 <88%? Supplemental oxygen*
Check for this deficiency alpha 1-antitrypsin
COPD Buzzwords: Smoker, DOE, cough
Emphysema Buzzwods: Hyperinflation on CXR, tear drop heart
Bronchitis Buzzwords: Smoker, chronic productive cough. NO hemoptysis, wt. loss.
Definition Abnormal, permanent dilation of the bronchi and destruction of bronchial walls
Etiology 1) Congenital (CF) 2) Acquired from recurrent infix (TB, abscess) 3) Obstruction (tumor)
Clinical Features chronic purulent sputum (?foul-smelling), hemoptysis, chronic cough, recurrent PNA
Imaging modality of choice Chest CT --> dilated, tortuous airways
Treatment Abx (amoxicillin, Augmentin, Bactrim) + bronchodilators + chest physiotherapy
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