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D&Destiny Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Some basic info for playing the game in one page

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Firearms and Other Weapons in D&­Destiny

 ­Fir­earms are a new superc­ategory of weapons. Older D&D weapons are referred to as "­Sim­ple­" weapons as a whole. There are three subclasses of firearms: Primary, Secondary, and Heavy. Primaries are things like Auto Rifles, Scout Rifles, and Hand Cannons. Second­aries are specia­lized weapons like Snipers or Shotguns. Heavies are more limited and expensive weapons like Rocket Launchers or Machine Guns.
New Termin­ology
Active Weapon
 In D&­Destiny you can only have a single active weapon, either Firearm or Simple. This weapon is what's used in an Attack Action. You can switch your active weapon as a bonus action.
Equipped Weapons
 ­Dif­ferent from normal D&D, you can only have 3 weapons equipped at once, one from each subclass of Firearm or a Simple weapon in place of any Firearm slot. Other weapons must be Stowed (see below).
Switching Active Weapon
 ­Swi­tching your active weapon costs a bonus action, and you can only switch to an equipped weapon.
Stowed Weapons
 Your Ghost manages any other non-eq­uipped weapons you might have in its pocket backpack inventory. You Ghost can use its action to swap one of the weapons in its backpack with one of your equipped weapons from the same class.
 You can have profic­iency in a subclass of firearms, such as all Primary firearms, or an individual Firearm, such as Pulse Rifles. Profic­iency generally comes from your class, race, feats, or background choice.
 ­Having profic­iency in a Firearm allows you to add your profic­iency bonus to your attack rolls with that Firearm.
 ­Gua­rdians can reload Firearms they are proficient with as a bonus action.

Shields (Energy Shields)

 ­Shields are temporary hit point pools that have the ability to recharge if they haven't taken damage. Both Guardians and some enemies can have these. As long as a Guardian is wearing Guardian armor, they gain shields as stated in their class descri­ption. Damage is applied to shields before hit points unless an ability specifies otherwise.
 ­Shields recharge up to half their maximum capacity if the Guardian doesn't take damage between the end of their current turn and the start of their following turn. Shields cannot go above their maximum capacity, determined by your class & level.
 ­Ove­rsh­ields are a form of shields that don't recharge. Oversh­ields protect both your health and shield pools, and damage is taken from them first until they are depleted. While you have an oversh­ield, you can ignore damage taken when determ­ining if your regular shields would recharge as long as that damage doesn't break through the oversh­ield. Oversh­ields are always temporary.

New Actions

ADS Action
 At the start of your turn, you can choose to exchange 20 feet of your movement in order to Aim Down the Sights of your firearm, granting yourself the Aiming condition. Creatures who are Aiming have the following effects applied to them:
* You ignore the inherent disadv­antage for targeting a specific part or weak point on a creature
* You ignore the inherent disadv­antage when firing your weapon in its extended range
* Melee attacks have advantage against you, and you have disadv­antage on payload saving throws
 The Aiming condition ends when you move more than 5 feet, or you take an action other than Attack with your firearm.

Reload Action
 The reload action allows you to refill the shot capacity of your active firearm. When you take this action, you expend 1 magazine of the weapon's class and set the shot capacity of your active firearm to its maximum capacity.
 You can choose to reload a firearm before its shot capacity reaches 0. If you do, you still expend 1 full magazine when you take this action.
 ­Having profic­iency in a firearm allows you to reload the firearm as an action or bonus action, your choice.

Channel Light
 You channel your Light into a willing Ghost who has captured their Guardian's form. That Ghost's Guardian is respawned as though the Ghost used the Reform Guardian action, spending HD as normal. Both you and the respawned Guardian gain an overshield equal to your maximum energy shield capacity lasting until the end of your next turn or until it is depleted, whichever happens first.
 The respawned Guardian can take their next turn as normal.

Light Abilities

 ­Light Abilities use the power of the Traveler, called "­Lig­ht" to produce a grenade, enhanced melee strike, or fill your entire being in the form of a Super ability. These abilities use a cooldown system instead of having a certain number of uses like other D&D abilities. At the beginning of your turn, you add a point to each of your cooldown scores. When an individual cooldown score reaches its noted "­rea­dy-­to-­use­" score, you can cast that ability. Your cooldown scores cannot go above their respective ready-­to-use score.

Light Ability Modifier

 ­Light abilities are governed by a specific ability modifier based on your chosen class. For example, Voidwa­lkers use their Intell­igence modifier. This is the ability you use for attack rolls with Light abilities or use to calculate the DC check that a creature might have to make as a result of one of your Light abilities.

Technology Skill

Technology is governed by Intell­igence. The Technology skill is used when intera­cting with any form of techno­logy, be it trying to find hidden files on a computer or progra­mming glimmer into an object or substance.