Drupal Version 6 Theme Variables for common (and core) tpl.php template files.
$logo The path to the logo image, as defined in theme configuration. |
$site_name The name of the site, empty when display has been disabled in theme settings. |
$site_slogan The slogan of the site, empty when display has been disabled in theme settings. |
$mission The text of the site mission, empty when display has been disabled in theme settings. |
$search_box HTML to display the search box, empty if search has been disabled. |
$primary_links An array containing primary navigation links for the site, if they have been configured. |
$secondary_links An array containing secondary navigation links for the site, if they have been configured. |
$left The HTML for the left sidebar. |
$breadcrumb The breadcrumb trail for the current page. |
$title The page title, for use in the actual HTML content. |
$help Dynamic help text, mostly for admin pages. |
$messages HTML for status and error messages. Should be displayed prominently. |
$tabs Tabs linking to any sub-pages beneath the current page (e.g., the view and edit tabs when displaying a node). |
$content The main content of the current Drupal page. |
$right The HTML for the right sidebar. |
$node The node template file. |
$feed_icons A string of all feed icons for the current page. |
$footer_message The footer message as defined in the admin settings. |
$footer The footer region. |
$title the (sanitized) title of the node. |
$content Displays either a list of node teasers (e.g. default front page) or the full content of one node. When combined with other contributed modules this variable may also printing out other “stuff” like a calendar or a list of categories. |
$picture The authors picture of the node. |
$date Formatted creation date. |
$links Themed links like "Read more", "Add new comment", etc. |
$name Themed username of node author. |
$node_url Direct url of the current node |
$terms the themed list of taxonomy term links. |
$submitted themed submission |
information. |
$comment_count Number of comments attached to the node. |
$created Time the node was published formatted in Unix timestamp. |
$block->subject Block title |
$block->content Block content |
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Richard 07:47 10 Feb 12
I've been looking for something like this for a while. Many, many thanks!
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