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About emmajane

  • Cheatographer since 27 January, 2012.


  • 4 Cheat Sheets
  • 6 Cheat Sheet Pages
  • 325,760 Cheat Sheet Views

Cheat Sheets By emmajane

2 Pages
Ingredient Ratios for Lotion Making
29 Jan 12, updated 11 May 16
2 Pages
Modules and themes listed in Emma Jane Hogbin's book Drupal User's Guide.
27 Jan 12, updated 13 May 16
1 Page
Drupal Version 6 Theme Variables for common (and core) tpl.php template files.
27 Jan 12, updated 10 May 16
1 Page
Everything you need to do before launching your Drupal theme. Useful for site builders who are creating public Web sites and themers who are selling their Drupal themes.
27 Jan 12, updated 12 May 16