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Writing a CV for Digital Marketing Jobs Cheat Sheet by

Your CV is the initial chance to grab an employer/recruiter’s attention and could make or break your chances of finding a new job in the UK. But how do you write a great one? Here is a step by step guide to writing a great CV which includes expert advice, a free CV template and brilliant tips!

Looking for expert advice?

If you would like one of clockw­ork­tTa­lent's digital marketing recrui­tment specia­lists to take a look at your CV and offer some real, honest advice to improve it- You can claim a free CV critique!

Every CV Needs...

1 simple font at size 10-11
Your full name
Address and contact details
Personal Profile
Skills & Tools
Profes­sional Experience
Education & Training History
Interests & Hobbies

1 - Personal Profile Section

We recommend writing this as if you were telling your parents or your headte­acher where you are in your profes­sional career. A synopsis of your qualif­ica­tions, achiev­ements, core skills­/st­rengths and ambitions. This could include your industry sectors, customer verticals, sales deals, where you’ve been published and more. Whatever it is, make sure it’s relevant to the jobs you’re applying for.

4 - Education & Training Section

Again chrono­log­ical, most recent first… especially if you’ve had recent industry training or certif­ica­tions. This demons­trates clearly that you’re still learning, keeping up to date and pursuing personal develo­pment. Bold the qualif­ica­tions you obtain, not where you studied or the instit­utions. The lengthier your career the less detail you need to provide about your education i.e. if you’ve had 20 years in the industry, please don’t list out each and every O level you took. BUT of the flip side, if you’re a relatively new entrant to the industry, list your education, all of it! Your 10 A* GCSEs are really intere­sting, especially if you didn’t go to univer­sity. Or, if you did go to uni, mention it in your personal profile, so the expect­ation from the offset is positive!
Formatting tip: Qualif­ica­tion, Grade Instit­ution (Date awarded) So, each of your qualif­ica­tions should look like this:

-SEO Training Course, Pass bright­onSEO (2020)
-BA (Hons) Media Studies, 1st Class Degree Portsmouth University (2016)
-9 GCSEs incl. Maths, English & Science, A-C London School (1999)

Live CV Format­ting!


2 - Skills & Tools Section

Bullet­-point your core skills. Next, add the tools you are accustomed to using in your job. This is an excellent way of showing a decisi­on-­maker how deep your experience goes.

-Email Marketing
-Quick learner
-Fluent in Spanish
-Microsoft Office
-Google Analytics
-Google Search Console

5 - Interests & Hobbies Section

Here is your opport­unity to show us who you are on a personal basis. If you can make it relevant to your career, great but actually it’s also intere­sting just to find out a little about you. Employers are hiring indivi­duals not just bums on seats! For instance, I will always remember one profes­sional who collected Dolls Houses. She was great, we found her an awesome job and I will always remember her because of her unusual dollhouse collec­tion!

3 - Profes­sional Experience Section

This is a chrono­logical listing of all the work you’ve undert­aken. Identify the employer, the dates and the job titles you’ve held. We want the most recent first otherwise I’ll get bored wading through your early newspaper rounds and 6 weeks work experience at the local nursery. Hit us with your most recent work. Hopefully, it’ll be really relevant for the job your applying to and I’ll be hungry to read more! If you’ve been promoted within one company, separate these out with dates. It’s a good thing to showcase to a potential employer. You then want to briefly outline your respon­sib­ilities and list your achiev­ements. These can include: budgets, client wins, industry verticals, where content has been published or reporting on KPIs, CTR, ROI, audience reach, engage­ment, conver­sions, ranking and campaign traffic.
Formatting should look like this:

Start Date - End Date Employer, Location
Job Title
Include a brief outline of each job role here.

Jan 2015 - Aug 2018 Googler, London
Senior SEO Manager
Include a brief outline of each job role here.

So you've written a CV... now what?

Save the document as: Your Full Name - CV
Save it as a PDF to 'fix' all formatting
Proof read your CV and proof read again!
Write a new, unique cover letter to send with your CV for each job applic­ation

FREE CV Template Download!

Download your free CV template!


Why do I need a CV?
Ultima­tely, you need a CV to showcase your skills and experi­ence. To show the reader what you can do, what you’ve learned, what skills you have, what tools you can use and of course what you can achieve if given the opport­unity. You need a great CV to differ­entiate yourself from everyone else’s applic­ation. Job seeking and career progre­ssion are compet­itive and a good job is hard to get. You need to be ready from the get-go.
What is a CV?
The definition of Curriculum Vitae according to Wikipedia is a summary of academic and profes­sional history and achiev­ements. According to the Oxford dictio­nary, it’s a noun. A brief account of a person’s education, qualif­ica­tions, and previous occupa­tions, typically sent with a job applic­ation.
When will I need a CV?
It’s highly likely you will need an up to date and accurate CV when applying for any job. You’ll either be asked to complete an online applic­ation (on which, you can cut and paste many elements from your CV). Or, you will be asked to submit a CV and cover letter. You may need a CV for an internal promotion, for HR/line management to ensure you have obtained the level of experience they require for the role you will be undert­aking. Run your own business? You may need your CV for your insurance provider or investors.

Common CV Mistakes

Not written in chrono­logical order
Having inaccurate inform­ation or lies featured
Titling it as ‘CV’ or ‘Curri­culum Vitae’, we know it’s your CV, don’t label it
Poor spelling
Using an inappr­opriate email address
Always account for the gaps between employment
Too much focus on design instead of content
An incons­istent tone of voice


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