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Fluroquinolones Cheat Sheet by

Used in the treatment of bacterial infections and UTIs. They also protect against anthrax after exposure to its spores.


Prototype Med
Ciprof­loxacin (Cipro)
Other Meds
Moxifl­oxacin (Avelox)
Used in the treatment of bacterial infections and UTIs. They also protect against anthrax after exposure to its spores.

Ther­apeutic Use

Treats a wide range of bacterial infect­ions, including severe urinary tract disorders.
Prevents anthrax (following inhalation of anthrax spores) in both adults and children.

Adverse Drug Reacti­ons

Dizziness, headache; confusion in older clients
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Achilles tendon rupture (rare), especially in older clients, and clients taking glucoc­ort­icoids, and transplant recipients
Photos­ens­itivity (sunbu­rn-like reaction) even with indirect sun exposure, sunlamp exposure; may occur despite use of sunscreen
Severe adverse reactions include seizures, intrac­ranial pressure, suicidal ideation, hepato­tox­icity, anaphy­laxis, CDAD

Nursing Interv­ent­ions

Monitor for and report GI symptoms (a decrease in the dose may need to occur).
Monitor for and report tendon pain during treatment (disco­ntinue if pain occurs).
Don’t allow clients to go outdoors without covering their skin with clothing. They also need to apply sunscreen to areas of exposure.


Antacids, iron prepar­ations, calcium (including dairy products), and sucralfate (Carafate) decrease oral absorp­tion.
Increases theoph­ylline levels and the risk for CNS symptoms.
Increases warfarin (Coumadin) levels.
Concurrent use of erythr­omycin, quinidine, some antips­ych­otics, and tricyclic antide­pre­ssants can increase the risk for torsade de pointes in those suscep­tible.
Increased hypogl­ycemia may occur when taken concur­rently with antidi­abetic medica­tion.

Admi­nis­tra­tio­n­dverse Drug Reacti­ons**

Available in oral and IV forms.
• Infuse slowly over at least 60 min; follow recomm­end­ations for dilution.
• Incomp­atible with multiple other drugs in IV solution or IV tubing.

Patient Educat­ion

Report CNS and GI symptoms to provider.
Decrease caffeine use during treatment.
Report tendon pain to provider.
Avoid exposure to sunlight or sunlam­p/wear sunscr­een­/pr­ote­ctive clothes
Take antacids, iron, calcium, dairy products, and sucralfate 2 hr after or 6 hr before oral ciprof­lox­acin.
Encourage patients to drink at least 1,500 to 2,000 mL of fluids/day


Allergy to any fluoro­qui­nolone
Tendon pain
Myasthenia gravis


Serious CNS disorders (seizure disorder)/ GI disorders
Renal impairment
Coumadin therapy
Children under 18
Pregnancy risk


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