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D&D 5e Combat Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


2 feet of movement to move 1 foot
2 feet of movement to move 1 foot
2 feet of movement to move 1 foot
Drop Prone
No movement or action required
Half movement
Stand Up
Halves movement until next turn
High Jump
Jump [3 + Strength modifier] feet high, halved without a 10 foot start
Long Jump
Jump your Strength score in feet, halved without a 10 foot start
Difficult Terrain
Use 2 feet of movement to move 1 foot


Make a melee or ranged attack
Cast a Spell
Cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action
Until the start of your next turn, all attacks against you are made with disadv­antage, and you get advantage on Dexterity saving throws
Use Object
Interact with an object in the enviro­nment or use an item's special ability
Search an area for items or inform­ation of interest
Make a Strength (Athle­tics) check opposed by either a Strength (Athle­tics) or Dexterity (Acrob­atics) check. On a success, the target is Grappled. Can be done as part of an Attack action if your have multiple attacks
Double your movement speed for the rest of your turn
Make a Strength (Athle­tics) or Dexterity (Athle­tics) check against a Strength (Athle­tics) check to escape a grapple
Use Shield
Equip or unequip a shield
Take an action or move in response to a pre-de­fined trigger
Make a Strength (Athle­tics) check opposed by either a Strength (Athle­tics) or Dexterity (Acrob­atics) check. On a success, you may knock the target prone or push it back 5 feet. Can be done as part of an Attack action if your have multiple attacks
Prevents attacks of opport­unity against you for moving out of an enemy's reach
Grant advantage to an ally
Make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide. May require cover or other obscuring conditions
Use a Class Feature
Some class features require actions to use
Improvised Action
It is possible to perform actions not on this list


Opport­unity Attack
When an enemy leaves your reach, you may use a reaction to make an attack roll against that enemy
Readied Action
Used as part of the Ready action in response to a pre-de­fined trigger
Cast a Spell
With a cast time of 1 reaction

Bonus Actions

Offhand Attack
When you use the Attack action to make an attack with a light weapon, you may take a bonus action to make an extra attack with a light weapon in your off-hand
Offhand attacks do not add STR modifier to damage
Cast a Spell
With a cast time of 1 bonus action
Use Class Feature
Some class features use bonus actions


You an't see and fail any check that requires sight
Attack rolls against you have advantage, and your attack rolls have disadv­antage
You can't attack charmer or target it with harmful abilities or magical effects
Charmer has advantage on ability checks to interact socially with you
You can't hear and automa­tically fails any ability check that requires hearing
See Exhaus­tion, elsewhere
You have disadv­antage on ability checks and attack rolls while source of fear is within line of sight
You can't willingly move closer to source of fear
Your speed becomes 0, and can't benefit from any bonus to speed
Ends if grappler Incapacitated
Ends if effect removes you from reach of grappler
You can't take actions or reactions
You are impossible to see without magic or special senses. You are considered heavily obscured for purposes of hiding, but can be detected by any noise made or tracks left
Attack rolls against you have disadv­antage, and your attack rolls have advantage
You are Incapa­citated and can't move or speak
Automa­tically fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws
Attack rolls against you have advantage
Any attack made from within 5 feet that hits you is a critical hit
Transf­ormed into a solid inanimate substance. Weight multiplied by 10. Stops aging.
You are Incapa­cti­tated, can't move or speak and are unaware
Automa­tically fail STR and DEX saving throws
Gain resistance to all damage
Immune to poison and disease
Disadv­antage on attack rolls and ability checks
Can only crawl. Standing ends condition
You have disadv­antage on attack rolls
Attacks against you have advantage if attacker within 5 feet, otherwise attack roll has disadv­antage
Speed becomes 0, can't benefit from any bonus to speed
Attack rolls against you have advantage, and your attack rolls have disadvantage
Disadv­antage on DEX saving throws
Incapa­cit­ated, can't move, can speak falteringly
Fail all STR and DEX saving throws
Attacks against you have advantage
Incapa­cit­ated, can't move or speak, unaware
Drop what you are holding and fall prone
Fail all STR and DEX saving throws
Attack rolls against you have advantage
Attacks made within 5 feet that hit you are critical hits