Ctrl + / |
Comment line |
Ctrl + Shift + / |
Comment block |
Ctrl + D |
Duplicate line |
Alt + Shift + Down/Up |
Move line |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Down/Up |
Move whole statement |
Ctrl + - (number pad) |
Collapse block |
Ctrl + + (number pad) |
Expand Block |
Ctrl + Shift + +/- (number pad) |
Collapse/Expand whole file |
Ctrl + A |
Select whole file |
Ctrl + W |
Extend selection to next code block |
Ctrl + Shift + W |
Shrinks selection |
Alt + J |
Select next occurrence |
Alt + Shift + J |
Deselect last occurrence |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + J |
Select all occurrences in file |
Ctrl + Shift + F7 |
Highlight all usages in file |
Code Completion
Ctrl + Space |
Suggest (Enter for add/Tab to overwrite) |
Ctrl + Space x2 |
Deeper level of suggestion |
Ctrl + Shift + Space |
List of matching suggestion |
Ctrl + Shift + Space x2 |
Suggestion in return statement |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter |
Complet statement |
Shift + F6 |
Rename |
Ctrl + Alt + V |
Extract variable or field |
Ctrl + Alt + M |
Encapsule code in new method |
Ctrl + Alt + C |
Extract selected expression into a constant |
Ctrl + Alt + P |
Extract selected expression into a parameter |
Ctrl + Alt + T |
Surround/wrap selected code |
Code Assistance
Ctrl + P |
See method signature |
Ctrl + J |
Insert live template |
Ctrl + Q |
See method documentantion |
Ctrl + Alt + L |
Reformat code |
Ctrl + Shift + i |
See definition |
F2 |
Next highlighted error in file |
Ctrl + F1 |
See description error |
Alt + Enter |
See suggested solution |
Ctrl + N |
Search Class |
Ctrl + Shift + N |
Search File |
F4 |
Jump to source |
Ctrl + B |
Jump to declaration |
Ctrl + Alt + B |
Jump to implementation |
Ctrl + F12 |
See file structure |
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