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About pupeno


  • 3 Cheat Sheets
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Cheat Sheets By pupeno

1 Page
Cursive doesn't ship with keybindings for Windows, so, I'm trying to come up with my own set. This is an attempt to remain as close the Mac keybindings as possible
23 Jan 17, updated 25 Jan 17
windows, clojure, intellij, idea, cursive and 2 more ...
1 Page
Cursive doesn't ship with keybindings for Windows so I'm trying to come up with my own set. Windows has one less modifier key than Mac, so, this is an attempt to have a nice set with sequences.
7 Sep 16, updated 22 Jan 17
1 Page
Default key bindings for the IntelliJ IDEA plugin for Clojure, Cursive, on Mac
2 Jul 15, updated 7 Sep 16
osx, clojure, intellij, idea, cursive and 2 more ...