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Management Report Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by [deleted]

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Topic sentence to set the scene of your paper
General to specific inform­ation
Thesis statement
The thesis statement has to actually be a statement on your topic and has to cover the entire scope of the paper

Body: betwee­n-p­ara­graphs

Logical order between paragraphs (cf. organi­sat­ional patterns)
Clear and natural flow
Use conjun­ctions and linking words
Balance the size of the paragraphs (9-12 lines on average)

Body: in-par­agraphs

Topic sentence
Body (cf. organi­sat­ional patterns)
Climax sentence
By only reading topic and climax sentences, you should be able to deduce a logical and coherent outline. Bad TS/CS = bad structure


Topic sentence to conclude your writing
Summarise and rephrase thesis statement and arguments
Recomm­end­ations or implic­ations for future research
Climax sentence to conclude everything
Do not add new inform­ation but instead, try to sum up everything you have said in a clear and convincing way. Make sure the conclusion mirrors the introd­uction.

Writing: general

Avoid informal words (big, huge, totally, ...)
Check spelling & grammar
Look up academic synonyms (but do not overuse them)


Verdana 10, spacing 1.5
Alignment justified
Paragraphs are coherent blocks which are separated from each other by a blank line
Paragraphs start at the left hand side of the paper (no indents)
Page numbers bottom right, not on first page
No headings or subhea­dings
No images in-text (optional: in appendix)
Some of these formal­ities will be different in other cases, but for your management report, these are used to assure equality and compar­ability for all reports.

List of references

Harvard Reference Style
Other people need to be able to find the sources you have used
Try to find good and credible sources. Do not just list an entire biblio­graphy: only the ones you actually use!

In-text refere­ncing

Harvard Reference Style
Smith (2008: 15) states that "now, most cars are red."
Adjust words in quotation
Smith (2008: 15) states that "[in the year 2008], most cars are red."
Leave out text in quotation
Smith (2015: 8) discusses that "this happens because of three reasons: (...) and finally it is because of global­isa­tio­n."
Smith (2008: 15) argues that most cars can be considered red.
In general, most cars can be considered to be red (Smith 2008: 15).
Several sources
In Smith (2008: 15) & Williams (2017: 193) it is clear (...)
More than three authors
Smith et al. (2015: 37) observe (...)
Same author repeated without a different author in between
Smith (2008: 15) states that "most cars are red" (...) Cars can also be blue (ibid.: 19). Attention! Adjust year or page number when necessary. Only use (ibid.) when on the same page. New page = start over
Never! Instead insert end notes at the end of a chapter