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Interview Preparation Cheat Sheet by [deleted]


Dealing with former peers

Signal the transi­tion: Make everyone aware of the transition (better through a formal announ­cement)
No major changes in the first few days (identify few small decisions you can make fairly quickly)
Establ­ishing authority: What can I do to make you more succes­sful?
Deal with the disapp­ointed compet­itor: added layer of comple­xity. “They’ve suffered a loss and they’re going to handle that in a typical way: they’ll be disapp­oin­ted,” Let the person adjust to the new situation. But it’s important to make it clear that you value him as an employee and that you plan to advocate for his develo­pment. You can say something like, “I understand you’re disapp­ointed. You’re an important part of this team, and I’m going to make sure you have what you need to succeed.”

Dealing with Former Peers 2

Recognize that the dynamics have changed and you can’t have the same relati­onships with them that you used to have.
Be direct about your expect­ations, and be assertive when people are behaving inappr­opr­iately.
Address the big picture if you’re seeing a pattern.
If problems continue after you’ve addressed them, handle that the way you would any serious perfor­mance issue:

First Time Manager Duties

Get on the calendar of each of my direct reports to have an individual meeting that is all about them. Find out during that meeting what motivates them, what they like about their work, how they like to be led and what questions they have. Then talk about my vision for the group and how they can be a part of it.
I should have regular check-in meetings with all of my direct reports every month or two. Give regular feedback – both positive and constr­uctive.

How do you react to problems?

I don’t react to problems, but acknow­ledge their existence and respond to them in a calm manner. Reacting to a problem causes a panic and the problem does not get resolved until everyone calms down, accepts the situation and then focuses on a resolu­tion.

Strategic Thinking Char.

Corporate Strategic Vision
System View
Long-term approach
Consider Past and Present
Take advantage of opport­unities

Decision Making

Before I make any kind of important decision, I first consider all the surrou­nding facts, possible outcomes and the desired goal. I won’t hesitate to seek an outside opinion and I generally do, but I am the one who makes the ultimate decision. Once I have all of the inform­ation and have weighed the risks of each possible outcome, I will make my decision.”

Taking Risk

I believe that taking risks is part of life but by mitigating the risk, I believe the best possible solution presents itself. I’m not afraid of taking risks; I just make sure that I have considered all the facts and possible outcomes my decision will have.

Time Management

Keep a daily log
Categorize Activities
Prioritize Activities
Summarize Data

My Soft Skills

Commun­ication skills are one of the most important soft skills managers need to be effective. Managers must possess the ability to get their point across to employees, co-workers and customers. Effective commun­ica­tions ensures that everyone is on the same page and know what is expected of them.
Leadership While management deals with directing and contro­lling resources, leadership deals with inspiring others to follow you down a path that is beneficial to the organi­zation as a whole.
Listening Another important soft skill is the ability to listen. Listening allows me to spot problem areas in the organi­zation, improve customer service and create a collab­orative work enviro­nment. Listening also shows employees that I value what concerns them.
Delegation Effective managers understand they cannot do all of the work themse­lves. Delega­tions skills are important to running an efficient team. Managers must understand how to assign tasks to the right people and how to commun­icate expect­ations so that team goals are met.
Critical Thinking Much of a manager's time is spent solving problems, so the ability to think critically is one of the top soft skills managers need. Critical thinking skills allow managers to evaluate and analyze problems to come up with effective solutions.
Trustw­orthy Managers are respon­sible for contro­lling sensitive inform­ation within an organi­zation. As a result, organi­zations want to hire managers who are trustw­orthy. Employees also want to work for trustw­orthy managers with whom they can commun­ication openly
Decision Making The ability to make quick decisions is critical to succeeding as a manager. Decision making skills come in to play when deciding on which employees to hire, vendors to work with and strategies to implement. Unders­tanding the benefits, risk and conseq­uences of a decision can help you make the approp­riate one.
Time Management Managers must use their time wisely. Not only are they respon­sible for carrying out their individual duties but must ensure that employees carry out their duties as well. The ability to prioritize and delegate can help a manager properly manage his time.
Managing Discipline In many work enviro­nments, conflicts occur despite the best efforts of managers. Knowing how to deal with conflict promptly reduces the risk of problems negatively affecting the workplace. A lack of discipline in an organi­zation can reduce the motivation and production of employees.
Motivation Employees who are motivated are generally more produc­tive. Motivating employees is a critical component of running an accomp­lished team. Reasons for motivation vary per employee, so it is important for managers to get to know their employees and their personal motiva­tions.

Delegation Concepts

Empowe­rment: Shifts the respon­sib­ility to the employee
Respon­sib­ility Giving respon­sib­ility to the team member, setting clear expect­ations about the results
Authority Necessity to commun­icate boundaries and any important criteria
Accoun­tab­ility Assigning accoun­tab­ility to the employee or the team

Delegation Styles


Qualities of a good Manager

So what makes for a good manager?
• Develop good working relati­onships with their subord­inates.
• Align the aims of their employees with those of their organi­zation.
• Set challe­nging but realistic targets.
• Use motiva­tional techniques to facilitate the achiev­ement of goals.
• Fair and treat their subord­inates equally and object­ively.
• Demons­trate empathy, making people feel that their opinions are recogn­ized.
• Demand the best of people but are aware of their limita­tions.
• Prepared to take approp­riate measures with those who fail to perform.
• Praise in public but criticize in private.
• Delegate tasks to others who can best handle them.
• Inspire their subord­inates.

Managing Style

When the circum­stances require it, I will assert my authority and lead my staff in the direction I have determined we should go. However, I am always open to input, ideas and sugges­tions and consider myself to be very approa­chable in that respect. I realise the importance of motivating the team to deliver their best and I am tactful and diplomatic when dealing with potential problems; I believe a lot more can be achieved through commun­ication than through conflict. I am nevert­heless very result­s-d­riven and expect every member of my team to pull their weight and help us to achieve our common goals.

Motivating Others

I believe I'm partic­ularly good at motivating my collea­gues. For example, I aim to align their targets with those of the organi­zation. Once an employee is able to understand – and empathize with – the overall aims of the organi­zation, they are normally much more motivated to help achieve them. I also believe I'm good at getting the best out of people while being aware, of course, of their limita­tions. I strive to set challe­nging but realistic targets and ensure people are treated fairly, equally and object­ively.

Strategic Thinking Traits

Flexib­ility is the ability to change the approach and ideas as the situation demands
Openness is the readiness to accept criticism and new ideas, consider situation from different angles and make prudent and objective decisions
Positive Outlook is the ability to recognize diffic­ulties and challenges as potential opport­uni­ties. Maintain forward thinking in difficult situat­ions.
Curiosity Up to date and knowle­dgeable
Future Focus Focus on long-term goals and objectives
Ability to identify connec­tions and patterns

What did I Iearn in my current role?

Importance of being a good listener: Key for building an excellent relati­onship with coworkers, customers, managers…
Not to react to problems but acknow­ledge their existence and respond to them in a calm manner, because reacting to a problem causes a panic and the problem does not get resolved until everyone calms down, accepts the situation and then focuses on a resolu­tion.
Flexib­ility, we face changes every day. Our customers priorities change consta­ntly, compet­itors release new products, market conditions change quickly. I learnt from my previous experience that I should have the flexib­ility to deal with constant change. I should expect the change and plan for it. As a result, I can be better prepared for unexpected changes. Flexib­ility lets me react more quickly and minimize the disruption change can bring.
Community and Teamwork Teamwork is a skill that is becoming more important as we move toward more cross-­fun­ctional teams. But I have noticed that it is also important to build a community. Not just being part of my team, but understand how it fits in the larger organi­zation and work to strengthen those connec­tions.
Taking calculated risks
Time management Time is a limited resource, and I usually have many things to do during a working day. I learnt that it is crucial that I set daily / weekly targets and do my best to accomplish these targets. I try to put this in a sheet and update it throughout the day. Managing my time in a poor way will result in not meeting my targets which will definitely affect the organi­zation business results and customer satisf­action.


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