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Alteration on Oxy (cardiac cyanosis) Cheat Sheet by

Nursing care of a child with alteration on oxygenation related to cardiac anomalies (Cyanotic)

Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease

Occurs when blood is shunted from the venous to the arterial system as a result of abnormal commun­ication bet. the two systems (deoxy to oxy. R to L shunts)
Decreased pulmonary blood flow (Right to left shunt)

Tetralogy of Fallot (Cyanotic)

Localized narrowing of the aorta, the most common cardiac malfor­mation respon­sible for cyanosis in a child over 1 year. 4 major defects:
Pulmonary stenosis
Ventri­cular septal defect
Aorta overriding VSD
Right ventri­cular hypert­rophy
•PS impedes the flow of blood to lungs
•increases pressure in the right ventricle (hyper­trophy)
•Forces deoxy blood through the septal defect to the left ventricle
•Overr­iding aorta receives blood from both right and left ventri­cles.
Signs & Symptoms
•Clubbing of the fingers, murmur
•Severe dyspnea, hyperc­yanotic spells & acidosis
•Polyc­ythemia & clot formation
•Failure to thrive and growth retard­ation.
•If O2 level ex low, prosta­gla­ndins (IV) to keep PDA open.
•Complete repair when 6 mos. of age.
•Closure of the VSD with dacron patch
•The narrowed pulmonary valve is enlarged
•Coronary arteries will be repaired
•Hyper­trophy of right heart should remodel when pressure in right side is reduced.

Acute Rheumatic Fever (RF)

Strept­ococcal infections causes damage to the heart muscle and valves. All heart layers are affected.
•Panca­rditis (all layers)
•An acute attack of strept­ococcal pharyn­gitis by group A beta-h­emo­lytic strept­ococci
•Within 2-4 weeks after this attack anti-s­tre­pto­coccal antibodies are formed and attack the heart and the extra cardiac sites.
Diagnostic test
•Throat swab, blood test, ECG heart test

Tricuspid Atresia (Cyanotic)

Tricuspid valve fails to develop causing complete closure of the tricuspid valve that results in mixed blood flow.
Signs & Symptoms
•Cyanosis in NB, Chronic hypoxia, clubbing
•No blood flow form the right A to the right V
•Heart failure, chronic hypoxemia
•Failure to thrive and growth retard­ation.
•Listening with a steth for changes in heart sounds
•O2 sat to see how much O2 is getting into blood
•Chest x-ray to see the size & position of the heart
•ECG to check the electrical activity
•Ultra­sound scan (echoc­ard­iog­raphy)
•A glenn | Cavopu­lmonary | HemiFontan shunt
making a passage between the superior vena cava to the right lung (pulmo­nary) artery
•A fontan | Total Cavo-P­ulm­onary Connection
This operation joins the inferior vena cava to the pulmonary arteries.

Erythema Marginatum

Nonpru­ritic, painless erythe­matous rash on trunk and/or proximal extrem­ities.
•Macular lesions with raised margins & central clearing
•May last from weeks to months

Jones Criteria for Diagnosis of RF

Minor Manife­sta­tions
Clinical: Fever, arthra­lgia, history of RF
Lab test: Acute phase reactants, ECG changes
Major Manife­sta­tions
• Carditis: friction rub, murmur, cardio­megaly, CHF
•Arthr­itis: migratory polyar­thr­itis, swollen, red, tender
•Chorea, subcut­aneous nodules, Erythema marginatum

Sydenham's Chorea

A neurologic disorder with muscular weakness, emotional lability and involu­ntary, uncoor­din­ated, purpos­eless movement
•Disappear during sleep, lasts 2-4 months
•Mainly occurs in hands, feet and face, sensation intact

Acquired Heart Defects

• An autoimmune disease affecting the heart and extra cardiac sites ( joints, brain, skin)
•Occurs 10 days to 6 weeks after pharyn­gitis
•The disease affects children and young adults (5-15yrs)
•The disease follows upper respi infection (tonsi­llitis)
Cardiac Manife­sta­tions
•Peric­ardial friction rubs, weak heart sounds
•Tachy­cardia, arrythmias
•Extra­car­diac: fever, polyar­thr­itis, arthra­lgia, skin lesions, chorea
•Phary­ngeal culture may be negative
• Anti strept­olysin O (ASO) titer will be high

Arthra­lgias and Arthritis

•May be migratory. last for 2 - 3 weeks
•Warm, swollen, tender joints, inflamed membrane
•Usually involves the knees, ankles, elbows, and wrists
•Eroded cartilage and narrowed joint space

Subcut­aneous Nodules

Usually associated with severe carditis and occur several weeks after
•Firm, painless nodules (up to 2cm) found over bony surfaces and tendons. persist for 1-2 weeks.
•Occur near elbows, knees, wrists, achilles tendon, vertebral joints

Kawasaki Disease

Idiopathic multis­ystem disease. vasculitis of small & medium blood vessels & arteries. Usually <5 yrs old.
Mucocu­taneous Ocular Syndrome (MCOS) the original name of kawasaki disease. The cause is unknown.
Diagnostic Criteria
•Changes in extrem­ities: edema, erythema, desquam.
•Polym­orphous exanthem, usually truncal
•Conju­nctival injection, fissuring of lips & oral cavity
•Cervical lympha­den­opathy
•Red eyes, changes in lips, tongue & mouth
•Redness, cracking on lips, red strawberry tongue
•Hands & feet: red, swollen, hands & soles.
•Body rash : 1st appears w/fever. bumpy to touch
•Swelling of glands in the neck, soft, painless nodes
Acute: 1-2 weeks from onset, febrile, irritable, oral changes, rash, edema/­ery­thema of feet
•Subacute: 2-8 weeks, desqua­mation, persistent arthritis or arthra­lgias, gradual improv­ement.
• Conval­escent (months to years later)
•No single medicine can treatment or cure
• Meds : Aspirin and gamma globulin


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