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About Dan_Niel

  • Cheatographer since 13 February, 2021.


  • 6 Cheat Sheets
  • 14 Cheat Sheet Pages
  • 44,951 Cheat Sheet Views

Cheat Sheets By Dan_Niel

2 Pages
Nursing care of a child with alteration on oxygenation related to cardiac anomalies (Cyanotic)
19 Feb 21
nursing, care, health, child, cardiac and 2 more ...
3 Pages
Nursing care of the newborn with alteration in oxygenation due to cardiac and tissue perfusion.
19 Feb 21
nursing, care, health, management, child and 5 more ...
1 Page
Nursing care of children with alterations in health status of oxygen transport.
19 Feb 21
health, heart, child, chf, cardiac and 2 more ...
2 Pages
Nursing Care of the Child with an infectious, inflammatory disorders
15 Feb 21
nursing, care, child, infection, disorders and 3 more ...
2 Pages
Nursing care of newborn's with alteration on oxygen ventilation.
14 Feb 21, updated 20 Feb 21
nursing, management, acute, child, newborn and 5 more ...
4 Pages
Contents includes nursing assessment, planning and interventions for newborn at risk for complications
14 Feb 21
nursing, care, health, healthcare, child and 3 more ...