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This cheat sheet are for people who are beginning to learn about cooking and food preparation. This cheat sheet will give you tips to help keep themselves and others safe in the kitchen. P.S the columns that are bolded are very important.

Knife Safety

Sharp Knife
Be sure to get a sharp knife rather than a dull knife. A dull knife needs more force to cut food, this could lead to a higher chance of cutting yourself.
Walking With Knife
When walking with a knife carry it pointed straight down, with the blade turned towards your thigh.
Cutting With Knife
Hold the knife with a comfor­table grip and use a smooth, slicing motion to cut through the item, keeping your fingers curled under and away from the blade.

Wash Safety

Wash Hands
Wash your hands before handling raw food to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and wash thoroughly after handling raw food to remove any transf­erred bacteria.
Wash Utensils
Wash utensils thoroughly after each use and before switching tasks such as cutting meat and mixing dough to maintain kitchen sanitation and prevent cross-­con­tam­ina­tion.
Wash Kitchen Area
clean kitchen surfaces and areas to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria. Clean after each use, especially after handling raw food.
Wash Fruits and Veg
Washing fruits and vegetables before eating them helps remove any, bacteria, or chemical residues that may be on their surfaces.
Cutting Board
It is very important to wash cutting boards thoroughly after each use to prevent cross-­con­tam­ination and the spread of harmful bacteria, especially from raw meat, poultry, or seafood. This helps ensure that the food prepared on the board is safe to eat and free from harmful contam­inants.

Storing Foods

Fridge Temp
The best temper­ature for a refrig­erator is between 0°C and 4°C. This temp slows the growth of bacteria, keeping food fresh and safe to eat.
Freezer Temp
The best temper­ature for a freezer is -18°C or lower. This temp helps prevent the growth of bacteria and keep food fresh and safe to eat for a long period of time.
Danger Zone
The danger zone is the temper­ature range between 4°C and 60°C, in which bacteria can grow rapidly. Food that is kept in this temper­ature range for more than 2 hours is at a high risk of contam­ina­tion.
Foods in the Danger Zone
Food that is kept in the danger zone for more than 2 hours is at a high risk of contam­ination and should be discarded to prevent foodborne illness.

At the Grocery Store

Damaged packages
Do not to buy food in damaged packag­es/­con­tainers as it may have been contam­inated by bacteria. Food in damaged packages may also indicate improper storage or transport, leading to reduced quality and safety.
Seperate Foods
When shopping, separate raw and ready-­to-eat foods to avoid cross-­con­tam­ina­tion. Keeping raw foods in separate bags or containers and storing them separately from ready-­to-eat foods can help reduce the risk of foodborne illness.
Frozen Foods
Purchase frozen foods at the end of your shopping trip to minimize their exposure to the danger zone temp range (4°C to 60°C).

FoodBorne Illnesses

A serious and potent­ially fatal illness caused by the consum­ption of food contam­inated with a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostr­idium botulinum.
A type of bacteria that can cause foodborne illness, with symptoms including fever, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and vomiting.
E. Coli
A type of bacteria that can cause foodborne illness, often resulting in symptoms such as abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting.
A serious illness caused by the bacteria Listeria monocy­tog­enes, which can be found in contam­inated food, and can lead to symptoms such as fever and muscle aches.
Clostr­idium Perfri­ngens
A type of bacteria that can cause foodborne illness, often resulting in symptoms such as abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

Preventing Foodborne Illnesses

Keeping food at safe temper­atures, properly canning low-acid foods, avoiding cross-­con­tam­ina­tion, and refrig­erating or discarding leftovers promptly.
Washing hands and surfaces often, thoroughly cooking raw meat and poultry, avoiding cross-­con­tam­ina­tion, and refrig­erating or discarding perishable food items within a safe time frame. Also, avoiding raw or underc­ooked eggs, raw milk, and certain types of raw fish can also reduce the risk of salmon­ella.
E. Coli
Washing hands thorou­ghly, avoiding cross-­con­tam­ina­tion, and cooking meat and poultry to a safe temper­ature. Also, avoid eating raw or underc­ooked ground beef and unpast­eurized dairy products, which can also be causes of E. coli.
Washing raw produce, properly storing and cooking raw meat, and avoiding cross-­con­tam­ina­tion. Avoid eating unpast­eurized dairy products and refrig­erated smoked seafood, which can also be causes of Lister­iosis.
Clostr­idium Perfri­ngens
Properly store and reheat food, especially large portions, at safe temper­atures to slow the growth of the bacteria. Avoid keeping hot foods in the danger zone for too long.


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