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A&P Chapter 3 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by


This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Cell Membra­ne/­Plasma Membrane

Outer limit of the cell
Controls what moves in and out of the cell
Select­ively permeable
Phosph­olipid bilayer
Water-­soluble "­hea­ds" form surfaces (hydro­philic)
Water-­ins­oluble "­tai­ls" form interior (hydro­phobic)
Permeable to lipid-­soluble substances
Choles­terol increases the fluidity of the membrane

Includes many proteins:
      - Receptors
      - Pores, channels and carriers
      - Enzymes
      - Self-m­arkers
      - CAMS (Cell adhesion molecules)
            - Guide cells on the move
            - Selectin: allows WBCs to anchor
            - Integrin: guides WBCs through capillary
            - Important for growth of embryonic tissue
            - Important for growth of nerve cells

Endopl­asmic Reticulum

Rough ER
      - Location of protein synthesis: amino acids are assembled into a chain at the surface by ribosomes and then the chain is folded into a 3D structure inside
Smooth ER
      - Lipid synthesis

Golgi Appara­tus­/Golgi Body


Membranous sacs with inner and outer membranes
Generate energy
Have their own genes in circular chromosome