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My unofficial quick start rules summary for Felix Issacs' The Wildsea tabletop RPG

Character Overview

Provides background info, species, etc.
A general area you're skilled at. Gain a bonus +1d6 to roll if you can apply your EDGE to an action
Grant you +1 to +3 dice in a situation where they apply
You have 1 to 3 ranks in each language. More ranks is better
Special abilities granted by traits, gear you carry, friends you have, pets that accompany you, etc . Aspects take damage and you can lose them and have to regain them! They may also add bonus dice to a roll
Stuff you've scavenged on your advent­ures. May sometimes offer bonus dice
Goals for your character. Track these as they are how you advance your character
Negative traits or features about your character. Mostly for roleplay, but may cause penalties to rolls

Action Rolls

1. Build Dice pool
Max size of pool is 6 dice. Gain dice from:
Edges - up to 1d6 bonus dice. You can only use one edge in an action
Skill or Language - 1d6 per dot you have in that skill/­lan­guage. You can only use one skill or language in an action roll
Advantage - 1d6 per, max of 2d6 bonus
Describe your action
This has a narrative, non-me­cha­nical effect
Roll dice
Roll the dice and find the highest individual number rolled
6 :Complete success (Triumph)
4-5 : Partial success (Conflict) - you succeed, but must make a tradeoff somehow (maybe burning a resource you used, for ex.) Normally this will mark or clear a tick on the related track
1-3: Failure (Disaster) - Introduces a narrative challe­nge­/dr­awback, you do not tick or clear any boxes on tracks.
Doubles - TWIST! Along with whatever the die roll result would be, you also introduce an unexpected outcome (usually positive) that's related to the action and situation. Players can suggest the twist, but GM makes the final approval. IMORTANT - the player who rolled has no say in the TWIST. Only the other players and the GM can come up with the twist.
When you take action, your roll for success

Note - if you have no relevant Edges, Skills, Languages or Advantages related to the action, but you still want to try, roll 1d6 and a Triumph (a 6 on the die) counts only as a Conflict.


No initia­tive!
Just keep moving from player to player, whoever is ready to go, goes
A player's "­rou­nd" (time they have focus) has no set time limit or action limit. They could react and act several times before passing to the next player
Attacks are either Close Range or Long Range
If using a Long Range (LR) weapon to fight in Close Range (CR) combat, you cut one die from your action
When using a CR weapon (ex, throwing a handaxe) you cut one die from the Action
Damage is taken to your (and enemy) Aspects. Normal damage is 1 tick on the chosen aspect,
PCs do not die unless they choose to. They may be knocked out if that narrat­ively makes sense based on the damage they've taken
Loss of Resource
Using some weapons, like smashing a glass bottle to use as a blade, means you lose the bottle's storage benefit
Injuries do direct damage, rather than doing aspect damage. They may cause you to always cut a die, remove a skill, or have other negative effects
Damage type resistance
Reduce damage from that type by one tick
Damage type weakness
Increase damage from that type by one tick
Damage Type Immunity
Take no damage from that type

Character Notes

Bloodline = species
Origin = the live they've lived before coming onboard
Post = job within the crew
Edges = how the PC typically solves problems. Be it by fighting, sneaking, using their instincts, etc.
Skills = training or natural knowledge
Languages = don't need to roll, but more points in it are more useful
Aspects = abilities that make PCs unique. Might be gear, pets, physical attrib­utes, etc.
Mires - negative aspects of your PC
One mire mark = mild narrative effect, two marks on same mire = signif­icant narrative effect
When you perform an action that contra­dicts a Mire, you cut the # of dice = to ticks on the Mire
* When to mark Mire
Anything extremely horrific, stressful, crew death, you accide­ntally cause someone's death
* When to clear Mire
Encounter something wonderous, rest in a port, drugs, therapy, surgery
Using Drives
When you achieve something that advances or satisfies a drive, choose from:
Gain a whisper related to the Drive
Clear a Mark of Mire
Gain a Minor Milestone related to the Drive
Gain a Major Milestone if you completely satisfy the Drive

Collecting Resources Rolls

You gain a darned near perfect version of the resource. Fresh ripe fruit, a brand new collection of tools, etc.
Gain the resource, but with the "­Neg­ati­ve" tag, it'll get the job done, but it ain't pretty (a bunch of bananas where a few are overripe to the point of rotten, while the rest are ok, but only have a few days left)
Disaster - you can't find that resource, or you destroy it during collection
Resource has an unusual benefit or bonus, determined by you or another player
When your ship is out exploring, you can try to grab just about anything you see as a resource. This roll table is specific to gathering these resources. You may apply approp­riate advant­ages, skills, etc, just as with typical action rolls to your dice pool for Resource gathering.

"­Cut­tin­g" Dice

Cutting Overview
Remove the highest die (or dice) from the rolled results. Ex, you roll 1,2, 4, 6 and decide to cut 1 die. Thus you must remove the 6.
You can cut more than one die depending on the situation
The GM may force you to Cut a number of dice based on the difficulty of the action you're perfor­ming. They typically tell you before you roll how many cuts you're taking so you have a chance to rethink your approach
The Player may Cut 1 die (max1) to be more precise in an action, especially combat. You could Cut 1 die to aim for a body part, for ex.
Player may Cut for Impact, but must declare this BEFORE the roll. Can only Cut 1 die for this.
By cutting dice from the roll, you can boost the results. Cutting basically means removing some of your high dice rolled in exchange for better effects.

Cutting works sort of like bonus/­penalty modifiers or boons/­banes in other games.

Crew/Ship Sheet Overview

Various features of your ship. All start at 1 dot
Each feature here effects your ship's ratings
Custom­iza­tions to your ship that you make over time
Record ship damage here, along with any special conditions that effect the ship
An overview of the NPCs that keep your ship running - officers, various crew, helpful animals, etc.
A collection of resources your crew spends to fix or upgrade your ship
Cargo and Passengers
Self explan­atory

Tracks (aka "­Clo­cks­")

Tracks work just like Clocks from Blades in the Dark. You set a number of "­tic­ks" on the track, which correlate to steps to completing something - be it a task, a fight, or whatever.
The Track is named after the task you're trying to complete. Note, a task can be positive or negative, such as trying to "do someth­ing­" or "­prevent someth­ing­"
Tracks do not have to mark "­tim­e" specif­ically, they are typically marking steps to completion of a task.
In some situations you may erase a tick on the track (usually when healing an aspect)
Burned tracks - an extreme effect may burn a tick on a track, meaning you cannot easily remove that tick. Example is a leviathan biting through the ship's hull makes it harder to fix. Ask the GM for how to remove a specific burned tick
Extra impact - most of the time, you mark or remove one tick, but in cases where the situation says it is a HIGH impact, you mark/r­emove 2 ticks, MASSIVE impact remove­s/adds 3 ticks
Tracks may be open, HIDDEN (you don't know how far along you are) or SECRET (you have no idea how many ticks exist)

Combat Roll Results

6 Triumph - solid hit, do damage and possibly an effect
6 Triumph, you are unharmed
4-5 Conflict - you hit and do damage, but take some effect, lose a resource, take damage, etc.
4-5 Conflict - you might take lesser damage, or have some other effect
1-3 Disaster - you miss or do no damage AND take damage yourself, take an effect, lose a resource, etc.
1-3 Disaster - You're hit HARD, take damage AND potent­ially take an effect, lose a resource, etc
TWIST - you deal more damage or can explain extra success narrat­ively
TWIST - An unexpected narrative effect or you could do 1 damage as a counter attack
Enemies do not roll for their attacks. The GM explains their attack and the player rolls a reaction on the Defending chart. Player should explain how they are defending (parrying, dodging, ducking, etc.)

Recovery and Creation Rolls

6: You gain a great condition version of the resource
6: Triumph - heal TWO ticks of damage or an injury or ship damage or mire
6: Recipient of creation gets a temporary bonus related to resources used
4-5: Conflict - gain the item but it's sub-op­timal, has the negative tag
4-5: conflict - as above but heal only one tick
4-5: Recipient gains a temporary 2-track aspect but using it has minor negative effects
1-3: Disaster - failure to find resource or accide­ntally destroy it
1-3: Disaster, take an extra single tick of damage to a related track
1-3: You create a useless item
TWIST (doubles): The resource you gain has a unique or positive tag, provided by you or another player at the table
TWIST (doubles): You don't consume the resource you used for your recovery roll
TWIST (doubles): Gain a small bonus result to the created item


Great for when you split the party to go on separate mini-q­uests. Decide on what skills make the most sense to roll on in these situat­ions.
Buying, looting, trading, or other ways of looking for resources. Roll on the Acquis­ition results table
Scaven­ging: Use scavenge, rattle, delve, or other relevant skills on the roll. Success grants you SALVAGE
Hunting: Tracking down and capturing SPECIMENS
Gathering: Look around for vegetation to use as SPECIMENS
Healing: Requires an approp­riate SPECIMEN
Repairing: Requires an approp­riate piece of SALVAGE
Relaxing: Requires an approp­riate WHISPER
Cooking: Requires 2 SPECIMENS
Concocting (potions): Requires 1 SPECIMEN and 1 SALVAGE
Crafting: Requires 2 pieces of SALVAGE
These are extended scenes where you don't worry about time. Only one roll is made vs. the TASK you're attemp­ting. You're not rolling on individual actions, but more abstract TASKS


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