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Hunter the Reckoning 5e Cheat Sheet by

A short cheatsheet for Hunter 5e from Renegade Game Studios. Note, I didn't create it, but there's a fantastic Character Creation Cheatsheet with tons of detail here

Combat and Core Mechanics

All rolls are d10
Add together Attribute and Skill
Roll that number of dice
* Six or higher is a success
* Count up the 6+ dice, did you have enough to beat the difficulty
Melee Combat (treated as an oppposed roll)
Atacker and Defender set up their dice pools
Most successes wins the contest
Damage = (Winner's Successes - Loser's Succ.) + Weapon DMG
DMG reduces target's WILL or HEALTH
Ranged Combat
Atacker and Defender set up their dice pools
A character with no cover available is at -2 to their Defense Die Pool
Superior cover grants 1 or 2 dice to the defense pool
Dodging (Brawl or Melee only)
Instead of attacking, you can dodge an incoming attack.
Use DEX + ATHL to defend. You do no damage on a DODGE
Initiative Order
Based on what you're currently doing, it goes in this order unless there's surprise
Close combat between already engaged people
Ranged Combat
Newly engaged physical combat


Each dot = +1 fluency
2+ dot = beauti­ful­/ha­ndsome above norm
Cooking, food knowledge
2+dot = supern­atural aura
Each dot = streng­th/­value of ally
One dot = common contact, can provide basic help, 2 dot = someone more useful (like a gun dealer)
one = known in a subcul­ture, 2 = local fame, 3 = national fame
You have pull locally, people want to do you favors
False Identity, more pts = better
Someone to train you. One dot = rookie, 2dot is some experi­ence, etc
1 = making a living, 2 = middle class, 3 = rich
1 = low level helper (kid, small time thug, etc.), 2 = valet, butler, etc
Safe House
1 = small, basic, 2 = secure, 3 = large and secure
1 = known among hunters, 2= respected, 3 = powerful


Merit - Flaw
2 dot = cannot read or write
Merit - Flaw
2 = lose two dice on all visual social rolls
Merit - Flaw
1 dot = lose one die from all visual social rolls
Living on the Edge
Merit - Flaw
2 dots - Risk taker (But not sucidally so)`
Weak Willed
Merit -Flaw
2 dots Not submis­sive, but prefer to follow others' lead
Severe Addiction
Merit - Flaw
Two dots - lose 2 dice from all pools if you8 do not indulge in the previous scene
Mild Addiction
Merit - Flaw
One dot - as above, but one die penalty
Merit - Flaw
one dot - bleed from open wounds when you take any type of will or physical dmg, you choose which type
Crone's Curse
Merit - Flaw
Two dots - You appear a decade older than you are AND reduce you permanent max Health by one box to start
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Two dots - you are known for something horrible
Dark Secret
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One dot
Infamous Partner
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One dot - you are tarnished by associ­ation with one person, usually a spouse or family member
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Two dots - one group or region of your city lives to thwart you and your cell
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Lose one die in social test dice pools involving any group in your city except your allies­/co­ntacts
Person of Interest
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Two dots - your info is in several intel agency databases and flagged
Serial Error
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One Dot -Someone messed up your records by mistake. You might be flagged as dead, on a watchlist, or police should be called if you're seen
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One dot - you have no money, no home
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One Dot - Someone is obsessed with you. Even if you get rid of them, more will follow
No Safe House
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One dot - no safe house, you might have a home, but no security
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Two dots - Your safehouse has been previously raided and on a watch list
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One Dot - Your safehouse is weird, and might cause neighbors to call about creepy happenings
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One dot - Oh yeah, it's haunted. Could hold a ghost, dimension portal, weird meteor, etc, but you can't get rid of it
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Two dots - some faction really loathes you, they will go out of their way to stop you
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Two dots - You did something to annoy this faction, stay out of their sight

Edges and Perks

Dice Pool (Roll)
EDGE: Arsenal
You can get ahold of weapons that might not be available to the public
Personal arsenal INT + CRAFT | Get from contacts: Manip + Street
* Perk: Team Reques­ition
Get additional copies of weapon for your cell
Each margin of success = extra weapon
* Perk: Special Features
Sights, special carry case, etc
* Perk: Exotics
Rare, unique weapons
Higher difficulty to acquire per Storyt­eller discretion
EDGE: Fleet
Access to vehicles
Personal = INT+ TECH, Contacts = Manip + Persuasion
* Perk: Vehicle Armor
Safety from small arms fire to vehicle
* Perk: Perfor­mance
Superior driving and handling
Bonus on Driving test = Dice pool margin
* Perk: Survei­llanc
Great for stakeouts
Bonus on stakeout tests = Edge pool margin
* Perk: Untrac­eable
Author­ities cannot track it down in databases
EDGE: Ordnance
Build or access explosives
Compos + SCI or if via contacts Compos + Streetwise
One explose per 4 diff success roll
Perk: Multi payload
Multiple copies of explosive up to margin of roll
Perk: Non Lethal
Flashb­angs, teargas, etc
Perk: Exotics
Unusual or rare
Perk: Disguised Delivery
Looks like an everyday object
EDGE: Library
Access to inform­ation, analog or digital
Resolve + Academics (spend one day in research)
* Perk: Where they Hide
Bonus info about target's lair
* Perk: Who they are
Bonus identity info
* Perk: How to halt them
Bonus to keeping them away from an area (no effect on attacks)
* Perk: How to Hurt them
Bonus to figuring out how to do extra damage
EDGE: Improvised Gear
Create plausible items for currently available parts
INT + Craft, Tech or Sci
On a 4 success roll, you may create one item
Item gives +2 Dice on a single skill
* Perk: Frugal
your carry bag has tons of parts you can build small gear from
* Perk: Mass production
Create multiple copies of the item you made based on die roll margin
* Perk: Specia­lized
Specialize in crafting gear for a specific skill, giving you +3 dice
* Perk: Speed Craft
Create an item quickly (3 turns)
Edge: Global Access
Easily get around cybers­ecurity
INT + Tech
Must spend an entire scene "­hac­kin­g"
* Perk: Watching Big Brother
Can manipulate surveil. footage
* Perk: All Access
Can bypass most digital security
* Perk: Money Tap
Manipulate financial data
* Perk: Letter of the Law
Modify criminal records
EDGE: Drone Jockey
WIT+ Tech for control, INT + CRAFT to build/­repair a drone
* Perk: Autonomous
pre-pr­ogram simple routines into drone
* Perk: Variant
Each opy of this perk lets you make/use another type of drone
* Perk: Specialist Skill
Drone can use an extra skill
* Perk: Armament
Can arm drone with SMG or taser with 5 dots of skill
* Perk: Payload
Can carry large amounts of cargo
EDGE: Beast Whisperer
A way with animals
CHA + Animal Ken
* Perk: Incorr­uptible
Animal immune to supern­atural influence
* Perk: Menagerie
Choose an extra type to add to the pool of animals you can control
* Perk: Complex Commands
More complex commands, like fetch a specific item
* Perk: Incognito
Animal is great at staying out of sight
EDGE: Sense the Unnatural
Sense close by supern­atural elements, need an object to focus on while doing so
WIT + Occult or Science
* Perk: Creature specia­liz­ation
+2 dice bonus for a specific species
* Perk: Range
You can sense over a city block, but not with precision
* Perk: Precision
Know who in the room is supern­atural, but not "­wha­t" they are
* Perk: Handsfree
No need for an object of focus to use this Edge
EDGE: Repel the unnatural
Scare or repel the supern­atural target. Requires holding object of focus while doing so
* Perk: Ward
extend protection to 2m radius +1M for each margin
* Perk: Damage
Use object of focus as melee weapon with +0 dmg. Inflicts Aggravated dmg
* Perk: Specia­liz­ation
+2 dice versus specific type of creature
* Perk: Handsfree
No need for object of focus
EDGE: Thwart the unnatural
YOU may resist some or all supern­atural effects or attack. Must shield self with Focus Object
Composure + OCC or SCI depending on nature of endowment
So long as you hold your object and succeed on roll, you are immune to supern­atural abilities of the target that would normally require a resistance test
* Perk: Creature Specia­liz­ation
+2 dice versus specific type of creature
* Perk: Ward
extend protection to 2m radius +1M for each margin
* Perk: Recogn­ition
Upon successful resist, the hunter learns what the attack was and how it would've done to them
* Perk: Handsfree
No need for object of focus
EDGE: Artifact
You have a special magical item that assists you
INT + OCC or SCI depending on origin
* Perk: Empower
1 x per scene, diff 4 roll, boost artifact bonus to +3 dice.
Failure on roll does Will dmg by # of successes you failed by
* Perk: Attraction
Item is sought after by other groups
* Perk: Detection
Reacts to presence of supern­atural
* Perk: Shield
Reduces incoming supern­atural dmg by 50%

Damage & Healing

Margin of successes (winner - loser) + weapon damage
Weapon damage
* Superf­icial damage
Light wounds, nicks, cuts, bruises. It won't cause death
* Aggravated Damage
Serious wounds, gunshot wounds, etc.
Marking Damage
* Superf­icial
Divide the incoming damage by 1/2, make a "­/" mark in each damage block
* Aggravated
Take full damage, mark with "­X"
If you've filled up all your superf­icial slots, incoming superf­icial is an "­X"
Once your health or willpower track are full, you are knocked out of the game. Death is options depending on the narrative
At the start of a session, remove Superf­icial dmg marks equal to your Stamina from Health track
As above, but remove Superf­icial Willpower damage = to your Resolve or Composure, whichever is higher
Accomp­lishing your Short Term Desire grants one point of Willpower back
Medicine skill can convert Aggr. dmg top Superf­icial.
Medicine Skill & Healing for Agg Health Dmg
Roll INT + MED vs the total amount of AGGR dmg
Max healing amount = 1/2 Med skill
All Medicine Skill-­based healing happens overnight
Healing for Agg Will Dmg
There's no skill to regenerate Aggr. Will Damage
Acting in accordance to your Ambition restores 1 Will point at the end of the session

Desper­ation and Danger

A level set by players and storyt­eller based on how "­bad­" or "­goo­d" the current situation overall is
One desper­ation die per level of Desp.
Any player can use the Desp dice, the reason they might NOT want to is the potential to increase DANGER due to Overre­aching
Overreach (crit fail on a Desp. die)
For every 1 on the Desp die roll, increase Danger by 1
This doesn't cause the test to fail, it just increases the Danger
Despair (failed test and crit fail on desp. die)
If the PC fails the test, and gets any number of 1's on the Desper­ation Dice, they fall into despair
When in Despair, you cannot use Desper­ation Dice on tests
To remove Despair, you must complete your Drive by completing your Redemption (see drives p. 129)
On an overreach (Crit fail on a Desp. die), group gains +1 to Danger level for each failure on the Desp. Die
GM decides what Danger means in-game. Ex. At Danger 2, the quarry knows they're being tracked and is watching. At 5, they might be coming for the players


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