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Hunter the Reckoning 5e Cheat Sheet by

A short cheatsheet for Hunter 5e from Renegade Game Studios. Note, I didn't create it, but there's a fantastic Character Creation Cheatsheet with tons of detail here

Basic Mechanics

All rolls are d10
Add together Attribute and Skill
Roll that number of dice
* Six or higher is a success
* Count up the 6+ dice, did you have enough to beat the difficulty


Each dot = +1 fluency
2+ dot = beauti­ful­/ha­ndsome above norm
Cooking, food knowledge
2+dot = supern­atural aura
Each dot = streng­th/­value of ally
One dot = common contact, can provide basic help, 2 dot = someone more useful (like a gun dealer)
one = known in a subcul­ture, 2 = local fame, 3 = national fame
You have pull locally, people want to do you favors
False Identity, more pts = better
Someone to train you. One dot = rookie, 2dot is some experi­ence, etc
1 = making a living, 2 = middle class, 3 = rich
1 = low level helper (kid, small time thug, etc.), 2 = valet, butler, etc
Safe House
1 = small, basic, 2 = secure, 3 = large and secure
1 = known among hunters, 2= respected, 3 = powerful


Merit - Flaw
2 dot = cannot read or write
Merit - Flaw
2 = lose two dice on all visual social rolls
Merit - Flaw
1 dot = lose one die from all visual social rolls
Living on the Edge
Merit - Flaw
2 dots - Risk taker (But not sucidally so)`
Weak Willed
Merit -Flaw
2 dots Not submis­sive, but prefer to follow others' lead
Severe Addiction
Merit - Flaw
Two dots - lose 2 dice from all pools if you8 do not indulge in the previous scene
Mild Addiction
Merit - Flaw
One dot - as above, but one die penalty
Merit - Flaw
one dot - bleed from open wounds when you take any type of will or physical dmg, you choose which type
Crone's Curse
Merit - Flaw
Two dots - You appear a decade older than you are AND reduce you permanent max Health by one box to start
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Two dots - you are known for something horrible
Dark Secret
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One dot
Infamous Partner
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One dot - you are tarnished by associ­ation with one person, usually a spouse or family member
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Two dots - one group or region of your city lives to thwart you and your cell
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Lose one die in social test dice pools involving any group in your city except your allies­/co­ntacts
Person of Interest
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Two dots - your info is in several intel agency databases and flagged
Serial Error
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One Dot -Someone messed up your records by mistake. You might be flagged as dead, on a watchlist, or police should be called if you're seen
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One dot - you have no money, no home
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One Dot - Someone is obsessed with you. Even if you get rid of them, more will follow
No Safe House
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One dot - no safe house, you might have a home, but no security
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Two dots - Your safehouse has been previously raided and on a watch list
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One Dot - Your safehouse is weird, and might cause neighbors to call about creepy happenings
Backgr­ound- Flaw
One dot - Oh yeah, it's haunted. Could hold a ghost, dimension portal, weird meteor, etc, but you can't get rid of it
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Two dots - some faction really loathes you, they will go out of their way to stop you
Backgr­ound- Flaw
Two dots - You did something to annoy this faction, stay out of their sight

Edges and Perks

Dice Pool (Roll)
EDGE: Arsenal
You can get ahold of weapons that might not be available to the public
Personal arsenal INT + CRAFT | Get from contacts: Manip + Street
* Perk: Team Reques­ition
Get additional copies of weapon for your cell
Each margin of success = extra weapon
* Perk: Special Features
Sights, special carry case, etc
* Perk: Exotics
Rare, unique weapons
Higher difficulty to acquire per Storyt­eller discretion
EDGE: Fleet
Access to vehicles
Personal = INT+ TECH, Contacts = Manip + Persuasion
* Perk: Vehicle Armor
Safety from small arms fire to vehicle
* Perk: Perfor­mance
Superior driving and handling
Bonus on Driving test = Dice pool margin
* Perk: Survei­llanc
Great for stakeouts
Bonus on stakeout tests = Edge pool margin
* Perk: Untrac­eable
Author­ities cannot track it down in databases
EDGE: Ordnance
Build or access explosives
Compos + SCI or if via contacts Compos + Streetwise
One explose per 4 diff success roll
Perk: Multi payload
Multiple copies of explosive up to margin of roll
Perk: Non Lethal
Flashb­angs, teargas, etc
Perk: Exotics
Unusual or rare
Perk: Disguised Delivery
Looks like an everyday object
EDGE: Library
Access to inform­ation, analog or digital
Resolve + Academics (spend one day in research)
* Perk: Where they Hide
Bonus info about target's lair
* Perk: Who they are
Bonus identity info
* Perk: How to halt them
Bonus to keeping them away from an area (no effect on attacks)
* Perk: How to Hurt them
Bonus to figuring out how to do extra damage
EDGE: Improvised Gear
Create plausible items for currently available parts
INT + Craft, Tech or Sci
On a 4 success roll, you may create one item
Item gives +2 Dice on a single skill
* Perk: Frugal
your carry bag has tons of parts you can build small gear from
* Perk: Mass production
Create multiple copies of the item you made based on die roll margin
* Perk: Specia­lized
Specialize in crafting gear for a specific skill, giving you +3 dice
* Perk: Speed Craft
Create an item quickly (3 turns)
Edge: Global Access
Easily get around cybers­ecurity
INT + Tech
Must spend an entire scene "­hac­kin­g"
* Perk: Watching Big Brother
Can manipulate surveil. footage
* Perk: All Access
Can bypass most digital security
* Perk: Money Tap
Manipulate financial data
* Perk: Letter of the Law
Modify criminal records
EDGE: Drone Jockey
WIT+ Tech for control, INT + CRAFT to build/­repair a drone
* Perk: Autonomous
pre-pr­ogram simple routines into drone
* Perk: Variant
Each opy of this perk lets you make/use another type of drone
* Perk: Specialist Skill
Drone can use an extra skill
* Perk: Armament
Can arm drone with SMG or taser with 5 dots of skill
* Perk: Payload
Can carry large amounts of cargo
EDGE: Beast Whisperer
A way with animals
CHA + Animal Ken
* Perk: Incorr­uptible
Animal immune to supern­atural influence
* Perk: Menagerie
Choose an extra type to add to the pool of animals you can control
* Perk: Complex Commands
More complex commands, like fetch a specific item
* Perk: Incognito
Animal is great at staying out of sight
EDGE: Sense the Unnatural
Sense close by supern­atural elements, need an object to focus on while doing so
WIT + Occult or Science
* Perk: Creature specia­liz­ation
+2 dice bonus for a specific species
* Perk: Range
You can sense over a city block, but not with precision
* Perk: Precision
Know who in the room is supern­atural, but not "­wha­t" they are
* Perk: Handsfree
No need for an object of focus to use this Edge
EDGE: Repel the unnatural
Scare or repel the supern­atural target. Requires holding object of focus while doing so
* Perk: Ward
extend protection to 2m radius +1M for each margin
* Perk: Damage
Use object of focus as melee weapon with +0 dmg. Inflicts Aggravated dmg
* Perk: Specia­liz­ation
+2 dice versus specific type of creature
* Perk: Handsfree
No need for object of focus
EDGE: Thwart the unnatural
YOU may resist some or all supern­atural effects or attack. Must shield self with Focus Object
Composure + OCC or SCI depending on nature of endowment
So long as you hold your object and succeed on roll, you are immune to supern­atural abilities of the target that would normally require a resistance test
* Perk: Creature Specia­liz­ation
+2 dice versus specific type of creature
* Perk: Ward
extend protection to 2m radius +1M for each margin
* Perk: Recogn­ition
Upon successful resist, the hunter learns what the attack was and how it would've done to them
* Perk: Handsfree
No need for object of focus
EDGE: Artifact
You have a special magical item that assists you
INT + OCC or SCI depending on origin
* Perk: Empower
1 x per scene, diff 4 roll, boost artifact bonus to +3 dice.
Failure on roll does Will dmg by # of successes you failed by
* Perk: Attraction
Item is sought after by other groups
* Perk: Detection
Reacts to presence of supern­atural
* Perk: Shield
Reduces incoming supern­atural dmg by 50%


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