Covering Fire
Peppering an enemy ship with bullets or laser fire can force its pilot to take suboptimal evasive maneuvers, giving the firing ship a chance to catch up or bug out.
Success: The crew gains 1 success. |
Create Obstacle
(Chief Mate, Engineer, Magic Officer, Science Officer)
Whether by jettisoning junk, igniting a pocket of volatile gas, or summoning a cloud of technomagical nanites, a crew can put a dangerous hazard in the path of their opponent.
Success: The crew gains 1 success. |
Environmental Cover
A daring pilot might choose to fly much too low to the ground, enter a twisting canyon, or even brave an asteroid field in order to gain an advantage.
Success: The crew gains 1 success.
Failure by 5 or More: The starship takes 1 hit. |
Evaluate Weakness
(Captain, Science Officer)
Even in the heat of a tense chase, a canny crew can use intuition or equipment to zero in on a target’s vulnerabilities, giving them a leg up on their next move.
Success: The crew’s next chase action gains a +2 bonus, and if it would result in 1 success, it results in 2 successes instead.
This action can’t be used again during this chase. |
Negotiate Obstruction
(Gunner, Science Officer)
Whether a force field or a civilian starship convoy, unexpected obstructions can be a bane or a blessing. A crew might blast or hack their way through a closing hangar bay door at the last minute or weave their way through the docking bays of a busy spaceport.
Success: The crew gains 1 success.
Failure by 5 or More: The starship takes 1 hit. |
A good pilot has a bevy of tricks up their sleeve, from a nosedive to a hard turn to a trusty barrel roll. Of course, getting too fancy runs the risk of pushing a ship beyond its breaking point.
Success: If the crew’s next chase action would result in 1 success, it results in 2 successes instead. |
(Chief Mate, Engineer, Magic Officer)
A motivated crew can give the engines all they’ve got, either by pouring in extra fuel or magically boosting them, and gain just enough distance to outpace—or close in on—their opponent.
Success: The crew gains 1 success.
Failure by 5 or More: This action can’t be selected again during this chase. |
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