33 Research Cheat Sheets
Related tags: Psychology Methods Science Knowledge Procrastination
33 Cheat Sheets tagged with Research
Work Life Hacks Cheat Sheet
Notes on work habits
28 Jul 14, updated 12 May 16
Basic Research Methods Cheat Sheet
basic research methods in experimental psychology
9 Jan 23
Data Analysis in Psychological Research Cheat Sheet
data analysis techniques and methods in psychological research
9 Jan 23
DRAFT: an introduction to empirical research methods Cheat Sheet
Learning outcomes:
- Identify the different ways people decide what’s real.
- Be able to explain the fundamental nature of social science.
- Understand the basic options for conducting empirical research
24 May 23
DRAFT: Korrelation und Kausalitaet Cheat Sheet
Ein Cheat-Sheet zur hilfe der erkennung von Korrelation udn Kausalitaet
2 Nov 23
DRAFT: examples of empirical research and ethics Cheat Sheet
Be able to:
- Distinguish between good and bad practices
- Relate empirical research results to research questions.
- Illustrate and explain how theory and research methods impact each other.
- Give an example of how theory choices might raise issues of research ethics.
- Identify and describe the key ethical issues in social research.
- Give examples of how political issues can influence social research.
- Explain why specific research is ethically controversial (or not).
15 May 23
DRAFT: Research Design Cheat Sheet
Be able to:
- Discuss the role of exploration, description, and explanation in social research.
- Discuss the logic and procedures of idiographic explanation.
- Name and discuss the legitimate and false criteria for nomothetic explanation.
- Identify some of the common units of analysis in social research and
explain why it is important.
- Identify and describe some common study designs based on the time dimension.
- Describe the elements and structure of a research proposal
23 May 23
DRAFT: By whom to measure social reality? Cheat Sheet
Be able to
- Describe what ‘nonprobability sampling’ is and identify several techniques.
- Identify, describe and explain several types of probability sampling.
- Evaluate choices of ‘nonprobability sampling’ and ‘probability sampling’ in relationship
to the research questions.
- Explain the relationship between (research) populations and sampling frames in social
- Describe the steps involved in selecting a multistage cluster sample
23 May 23
DRAFT: different empirical research methods Cheat Sheet
Be able to:
- Distinguish between different types of empirical research methods.
- Discuss the kinds of research topics that are especially appropriate to different empirical research methods.
18 May 23
DRAFT: Qualitative Research Method and Analysis Cheat Sheet
Be able to:
- Discuss the kinds of research topics that are especially appropriate to qualitative (field)
- Distinguish the various roles of the qualitative (field) researchers in relation to the
subjects of study.
- Describe the process of conducting qualitative (field) research.
- Identify and discuss the strengths and weakness of qualitative (field) research.
- Understand the use of content analysis for both qualitative and quantitative social research
23 May 23
DRAFT: Quantitative Method: The survey method Cheat Sheet
Be able to:
- Identify research topics that are suited for survey research.
- Explain key rules for asking questions in a survey
- Discuss key concerns in the construction of a survey questionnaire.
- explain steps involved in the execution of all type of surveys.
- Discuss advantages and disadvantages of different survey research methods
- Understand which research projects are most suitable for each survey method.
- Explain secondary analysis and its key advantages and disadvantages.
18 May 23
DRAFT: Research Designs Comparison Cheat Sheet
Psy 243. Psych research in qualitative & quantitative design
26 Aug 23
DRAFT: Research COMP Cheat Sheet
William James College research comprehensive assessment
27 Jan 23
DRAFT: Research Cheat Sheet
DRAFT: Methodologies in Research Cheat Sheet
Simple cheat sheet for qualitative and quantitative research
9 Nov 22
DRAFT: General (Stats) Cheat Sheet
DRAFT: Step 5 Cheat Sheet
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