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33 Research Cheat Sheets

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33 Cheat Sheets tagged with Research

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2 Pages
Notes on work habits
28 Jul 14, updated 12 May 16
1 Page
Be able to: - Discuss the kinds of research topics that are especially appropriate to qualitative (field) research. - Distinguish the various roles of the qualitative (field) researchers in relation to the subjects of study. - Describe the process of conducting qualitative (field) research. - Identify and discuss the strengths and weakness of qualitative (field) research. - Understand the use of content analysis for both qualitative and quantitative social research
23 May 23
1 Page
behavioral research methods psych cheat sheet
8 Mar 23
1 Page
Learning outcomes: - Identify the different ways people decide what’s real. - Be able to explain the fundamental nature of social science. - Understand the basic options for conducting empirical research
24 May 23
1 Page
Be able to: - Distinguish between good and bad practices - Relate empirical research results to research questions. - Illustrate and explain how theory and research methods impact each other. - Give an example of how theory choices might raise issues of research ethics. - Identify and describe the key ethical issues in social research. - Give examples of how political issues can influence social research. - Explain why specific research is ethically controversial (or not).
15 May 23
2 Pages
Be able to: - Discuss the role of exploration, description, and explanation in social research. - Discuss the logic and procedures of idiographic explanation. - Name and discuss the legitimate and false criteria for nomothetic explanation. - Identify some of the common units of analysis in social research and explain why it is important. - Identify and describe some common study designs based on the time dimension. - Describe the elements and structure of a research proposal
23 May 23
1 Page
Be able to - Describe what ‘nonprobability sampling’ is and identify several techniques. - Identify, describe and explain several types of probability sampling. - Evaluate choices of ‘nonprobability sampling’ and ‘probability sampling’ in relationship to the research questions. - Explain the relationship between (research) populations and sampling frames in social research. - Describe the steps involved in selecting a multistage cluster sample
23 May 23
1 Page
discusses how social research should be measured*
23 May 23
2 Pages
Be able to: - Distinguish between different types of empirical research methods. - Discuss the kinds of research topics that are especially appropriate to different empirical research methods.
18 May 23
1 Page
Chapter 5 and 6 - psychological measurement
13 Nov 22
1 Page
Be able to: - Identify research topics that are suited for survey research. - Explain key rules for asking questions in a survey - Discuss key concerns in the construction of a survey questionnaire. - explain steps involved in the execution of all type of surveys. - Discuss advantages and disadvantages of different survey research methods - Understand which research projects are most suitable for each survey method. - Explain secondary analysis and its key advantages and disadvantages.
18 May 23
100 Pages
Psy 243. Psych research in qualitative & quantitative design
26 Aug 23
2 Pages
Research methods - experimental methods
3 Oct 23
a, variables, methods, psychology, a2 and 6 more ...
4 Pages
Research methods - Experimental designs
3 Oct 23
a, design, methods, psychology, level and 3 more ...
2 Pages
Research methods - reliability validity and generalisability
3 Oct 23
a, methods, psychology, level, a2 and 2 more ...
2 Pages
Reasearch methods 2 - Self report techniques
3 Oct 23
a, methods, psychology, level, a2 and 3 more ...
1 Page
Ein Cheat-Sheet zur hilfe der erkennung von Korrelation udn Kausalitaet
2 Nov 23
13 Pages
William James College research comprehensive assessment
27 Jan 23
1 Page
Simple cheat sheet for qualitative and quantitative research
9 Nov 22
4 Pages
Practical Research Periodical test Reviewer
27 Oct 22
5 Pages
data analysis techniques and methods in psychological research
9 Jan 23
6 Pages
basic research methods in experimental psychology
9 Jan 23
3 Pages
General Informations for the Steps 1-5
14 Apr 22
1 Page
Step 5: Interpret your Result
14 Apr 22
1 Page
Step 3: Summarize your data with descriptive Statistics
14 Apr 22

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