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Anti-anginals and VD Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Inconclusive; by a student

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Isosorbide dinitrate
Amyl nitrite (Isopentyl nitrite)
Sublingual in emerge­ncies with rapid action but very short half life.
Better oral bioava­ila­bility and longer half life (1hr)
Inhaled volatile liq.
Photos­ens­itive and tolerance is possiable
Not recomm­ended due to flushing.
Adverse effects:
1. Vasodi­lation: headache, hypote­nsion
2. Tolerance
3. Large doses= methem­ogl­obi­nemia & cyanosis


Aralkyl amine deri.
the prototype; potent VD
ttt of angina, arrythmia, HTN
Less potent for arrythmia
for HTN, angina.
chiral molecule with levoro­tatory as most potent form
for variant angina
NOT for arrythmia due to no or little effect on heart nodes.
NO2 (nitro gp) essential for activity.
Longer t1/2 but lesser -ve inotropy due to more vascular select­ivity.
-Felod­ipine, Nicard­ipine-
Block L-type­/slow Ca channels for coronary VD or spasm relief.

Antith­rom­botic & anti-p­latelet

Thieno­pyr­idine deriv.
Purine­-re­ceptor blockers on platlets to stop aggreg­ation activation
Potent­iates PGI2 (prost­acy­clin)
Essent­ially, increases presence of the VD adenosine.
SE: neutro­penia
prophy­laxis for chronic angina pectoris.
reduced neutro­penia

K channel agonist

Chemical class: Nicoti­namide nitrate ester
Direct vasodi­lator for both normal and diseased coronary arteries.