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server administration by

server administration commands


The Diskpa­rt.exe command utility can be used to manage hard drives and volumes on the local machine.
To get help with a specific command type the command with /?. For example, to get help with the ‘list’ Diskpart command type: list /?
Use the list volume option to display inform­ation about the disk volumes
To get help on how to load a registry hive into memory from disk, type: reg load /?
The following command will load the HKLM registry hive file located in ‘D:\Wi­ndo­ws­\Sys­tem32\ config­\so­ftware’ into a key file called Window­sSo­ftware reg load HKLM\W­ind­ows­Sof­tware D:\Win­dow­s\S­yst­em3­2\c­onf­ig­\sof­tware
Unload the HKLM\W­ind­ows­Sof­tware registry hive. reg unload HKLM\W­ind­ows­Sof­tware

Reg backup and restore

Backup the entire HKLM registry key to a file called HKLM.reg in the C:\Backup directory. reg export HKLM C:\Bac­kup­\HK­LM.reg
To create a Registry Hive file backup of the HKLM\S­oftware registry keys reg save HKLM\S­oftware C:\Bac­kup­\HK­LMS­oft­war­
Display all the currently available registry PSDrives: Get-PS­Drive –PSPro­vider registry
Display the keys and values under the HKCU\C­ontrol Panel key Get-Ch­ildItem “HKCU:­\Co­ntrol Panel” -recurse
Display the keys and values under the HKCU\C­ontrol Panel key whose name contains the string “Mouse”. Get-Ch­ildItem “HKCU:­\Co­ntrol Panel” -recurse | where name –like "Mouse"
Display the content of the HKCU\C­ontrol Panel­\Mou­se­\Dou­ble­Cli­ckSpeed value. Get-It­emP­roperty “HKCU:­\Co­ntrol Panel­\Mou­se" -name Double­Cli­ckSpeed
Notice this value is set to 500. Change the value to 700. Set-It­emP­roperty “HKCU:­\Co­ntrol Panel­\Mouse” –name Double­Cli­ckSpeed –value 700

AD Restore

To find the Windows feature name of the Windows Server Backup, type: Get-Wi­ndo­wsF­eature "­*ba­cku­p*"
This should return a single feature, the Window­s-S­erv­er-­Backup feature. To install the feature, type: Get-Wi­ndo­wsF­eature "­*ba­cku­p*" | Instal­l-W­ind­ows­Feature
To start a System State backup of the Domain contro­ller, type: wbadmin start system­sta­teb­ackup -backu­pTa­rget:E: -quiet
To start the server in DSRM mode, type the following command: bcdedit /set safeboot dsrepair and then reboot
non author­itative
The following command will list all of the backup file versions available on the local machine. wbadmin get versions -backu­pta­rget:E:
wbadmin start system­sta­ter­ecovery -versi­on:­<MM­/DD­/YY­YY-­HH:­MM> -backu­pta­rget:E: -quiet
Start another command prompt and type: ntdsutil
Set the local NTDS store as the active instance activate instance NTDS
This will start the intera­ctive command enviro­nment. Type the following command: author­itative restore
Restore Subtree “OU=Cu­stomer Suppor­t,O­U=H­ami­lto­n,D­C=A­cme­,DC­=Com”
To remove the ‘safeboot’ boot option and restart the server normally, open a command prompt and type the following commands: bcdedit /delet­evalue safeboot shutdown /r /t 0

Remote management

New-Ne­tIP­Address –inter­fac­eAlias “Ethernet” –IPAddress 192.16­8.1­00.13 –Prefi­xLength 24
Set-DN­SCl­ien­tSe­rve­rAd­dress –Inter­fac­eAlias “Ethernet” –Serve­rAd­dresses 192.16­8.1­00.10
Add-Co­mputer –Domai­nName acme –Crede­ntial acme\a­dmi­nis­trator –restart
Type the following commands to enable remote event log management firewall rules: netsh advfir­ewall firewall set rule group=­”Remote Event Log Manage­ment” new enable=Yes
Get-Co­mmand | Where {$­ram­ete­rs.keys -like "­*Co­mpu­ter­Nam­e*"}
Get-se­rvice –Compu­terName Acmeserver
Get-Wm­iObject Win32_­Com­put­erS­ystem –Compu­tername Acmese­rver, WINDOW­SCO­RES­ERVER
netsh advfir­ewall firewall set rule group=­"­Windows Management Instru­men­tation (WMI)" new enable=yes
From the Acmeserver virtual machine, start an Intera­ctive PowerShell session on the Window­s81-PC Enter-­PSS­ession Window­s81-pc
Install the Web Access gateway role. Instal­l-W­ind­ows­Feature –Name Window­sPo­wer­She­llW­ebA­ccess
To configure the Windows PowerShell Web Access gateway with the default settings using a self-s­igned certif­icate, type the following: Instal­l-P­swa­Web­App­lic­ation -UseTe­stC­ert­ificate
To see a list of all PSWA cmdlets, type: Get-Co­mmand PSWA -Comma­ndType cmdlet
The following command will create an author­ization rule that will allow the members of the domain admins group access to all of the Domain Contro­llers in the domain using the default Micros­oft.Po­wer­shell config­ura­tion: Add-Ps­waA­uth­ori­zat­ionRule –userG­rou­pName “acme­\domain admins” -Compu­ter­Gro­upName “acme­\Domain Contro­llers” –Confi­gur­ati­onName Micros­oft.Po­wer­shell


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