web development on steroids!
const PI = 3.141593
PI > 3.0
// Block-Scoped Variables
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
let x = a[i]
for (let i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
let y = b[i]
let callbacks = []
for (let i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
callbacks[i] = function () { return i * 2 }
callbacks[0]() === 0
callbacks[1]() === 2
callbacks[2]() === 4
// Block-Scoped Functions
function foo () { return 1 }
foo() === 1
function foo () { return 2 }
foo() === 2
foo() === 1
Arrow functions
odds = => v + 1)
pairs = => ({ even: v, odd: v + 1 }))
nums =, i) => v + i)
// Statement bodies
nums.forEach(v => {
if (v % 5 === 0)
// Lexical this - More intuitive handling of current object context.
this.nums.forEach((v) => {
if (v % 5 === 0) this.fives.push(v)
Extended parameter handling
// Default parameters
function f (x, y = 7, z = 42) {
return x + y + z
f(1) === 50
// Rest parameters
function f (x, y, ...a) {
return (x + y) * a.length
f(1, 2, "hello", true, 7) === 9
// Spread operator
var params = [ "hello", true, 7 ]
var other = [ 1, 2, ...params ] // [ 1, 2, "hello", true, 7 ]
f(1, 2, ...params) === 9
var str = "foo"
var chars = [ ...str ] // [ "f", "o", "o" ]
Template Litarals
var customer = { name: "Foo" }
var card = { amount: 7, product: "Bar", unitprice: 42 }
message = `Hello ${},
want to buy ${card.amount} ${card.product} for
a total of ${card.amount * card.unitprice} bucks?`
Extended Literals
0b111110111 === 503
0o767 === 503
Enhanced Object Properties
// Shorthand
obj = { x, y } // => obj = { x: x, y: y };
// Computed properties
let obj = {
foo: "bar",
[ "baz" + quux() ]: 42
// Method properties
obj = {
foo (a, b) {…},
bar (x, y) { …}
Destructuring Assignment
// Array matching
var list = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
var [ a, , b ] = list
[ b, a ] = [ a, b ]
// Object matching, including deep matching
var { op: a, lhs: { op: b }, rhs: c } = getASTNode()
// Parameter context matching
function f ([ name, val ]) {
console.log(name, val)
function g ({ name: n, val: v }) {
console.log(n, v)
function h ({ name, val }) {
console.log(name, val)
f([ "bar", 42 ])
g({ name: "foo", val: 7 })
h({ name: "bar", val: 42 })
class Rectangle extends Shape {
constructor (id, x, y, width, height) {
// Super call
super(id, x, y)
this.width = width
this.height = height
// Getter and setter
set width (width) { this._width = width }
get width () { return this._width }
class Circle extends Shape {
constructor (id, x, y, radius) {
super(id, x, y)
this.radius = radius
do_something(x) {
let a = 12;
// call parent method
super.do_something(x + a);
static do_whatever() {
// static access
Maps & Sets
// Set
let s = new Set()
s.size === 2
s.has("hello") === true
for (let key of s.values()) // insertion order
// Map
let m = new Map()
m.set("hello", 42)
m.set(s, 34)
m.get(s) === 34
m.size === 2
for (let [ key, val ] of m.entries())
console.log(key + " = " + val)
New Builtin methods
// Object.assign
var dst = { quux: 0 }
var src1 = { foo: 1, bar: 2 }
var src2 = { foo: 3, baz: 4 }
Object.assign(dst, src1, src2)
dst.quux === 0 === 3 === 2
dst.baz === 4
// Array.find
[ 1, 3, 4, 2 ].find(x => x > 3) // 4
// String repeat
" ".repeat(4 * depth)
// String search
"hello".startsWith("ello", 1) // true
"hello".endsWith("hell", 4) // true
"hello".includes("ell") // true
"hello".includes("ell", 1) // true
"hello".includes("ell", 2) // false
// Number type checking
Number.isNaN(42) === false
Number.isNaN(NaN) === true
Number.isFinite(Infinity) === false
Number.isFinite(-Infinity) === false
Number.isFinite(NaN) === false
Number.isFinite(123) === true
// Number safety checking
Number.isSafeInteger(42) === true
Number.isSafeInteger(9007199254740992) === false
// Number truncating
console.log(Math.trunc(42.7)) // 42
console.log(Math.trunc( 0.1)) // 0
console.log(Math.trunc(-0.1)) // -0
// Number sign determination
console.log(Math.sign(7)) // 1
console.log(Math.sign(0)) // 0
console.log(Math.sign(-0)) // -0
console.log(Math.sign(-7)) // -1
console.log(Math.sign(NaN)) // NaN
function msgAfterTimeout (msg, who, timeout) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(${msg} Hello ${who}! ), timeout)
msgAfterTimeout("", "Foo", 100).then((msg) =>
msgAfterTimeout(msg, "Bar", 200)
).then((msg) => {
console.log(done after 300ms:${msg} )
// Combining promises
function fetchAsync (url, timeout, onData, onError) {
let fetchPromised = (url, timeout) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fetchAsync(url, timeout, resolve, reject)
fetchPromised("http://backend/foo.txt", 500),
fetchPromised("http://backend/bar.txt", 500),
fetchPromised("http://backend/baz.txt", 500)
]).then((data) => {
let [ foo, bar, baz ] = data
console.log(success: foo=${foo} bar=${bar} baz=${baz} )
}, (err) => {
console.log(error: ${err} )
Created By
Favourited By
Missing destructuring...
var {foo,bar} = bazObject;
var [foo,bar] = bazArray;
var [foo,bar,...theRest] = bazArray;
var newObj = {...originalObj, newProp:someValue};
Computed object literal keys...
['name_' + identifier]: value
There's really a lot to cover...
No, it's covered under the "destructuring assignment" part
Spread rest is under "Extended parameters handling"
Computerd literals is under "Enhanced object properties"
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