Chain of Infection
Chain of Infection
Virulence: how able is it to produce disease zoonosis: transmission from a vertebrate animal to a human Fomites: inanimate non-living objects (paper) Don and doff
Contact Precautions
If a pt is placed on contact precautions, the correct PPE is gown and gloves. all surfaces are considered contaminated. no paper in or out of the room |
types of infection
Purulent exudate: fluid that leaks from inflamed cells Hypotension is a result of sepsis d/t shock Droplet Precautions
droplets must be 5-10 microns range is 3 feet wear gloves and a surgical mask pt must wear surgical mask outside of room |
Stage of Illness
airborne precautions
Lab Values
Infection Control and Asepsis NU Cheat Sheet by rach15
over asepsis and infection
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