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Programming Cheat Sheets

2705 Programming Cheat Sheets

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1 Page
I created this cheatsheet to stop searching the Internet when having to come back to MongoDB since I do not work with it everyday.
17 Oct 22
1 Page
Contains basic Screen commands
17 Oct 22
3 Pages
2 Pages
Fine tuned tmux configuration
1 Nov 22
3 Pages
3 Pages
A cheatsheet for string, lists, tuples and dictionaries in python
7 Nov 22
1 Page
tmux basic commands for beginners
5 Jun 23, updated 18 Apr 24
2 Pages
AIX linux programming reference documentation
1 Nov 22, updated 2 Nov 22
3 Pages
Basic docker commands, for beginners. by TheFax
2 Nov 22, updated 3 Nov 22
5 Pages
NVIDIA CUDA C Programming
22 Jul 23
2 Pages
A cheat sheet for Introduction to algorithms and parallel computing course.
5 Nov 22, updated 27 Jan 23
1 Page
Les commandes à connaître pour construire et faire évoluer une application Angular
6 Nov 22, updated 8 Nov 22
6 Pages
Python numpy cheat sheet
8 Nov 22, updated 2 Dec 22
10 Pages
Python pandas cheat sheet
13 Nov 22
1 Page
Liste des codes à utiliser sur le terminal
17 Nov 22
3 Pages
R basics cheat sheet
16 Nov 22, updated 29 Apr 24
1 Page
Ways to process dates and time with Pandas
16 Nov 22
4 Pages
In the field of programming, optimization is the selection of a best element, with regard to some criterion, from some set of available alternatives, and a metaheuristic is a strategy designed to find, generate, or select a heuristic that may provide a sufficiently good solution to an optimization problem.
16 Nov 22, updated 29 Apr 24
2 Pages
Javascript String, Array and Object Methods 2022 Resourses:
17 Nov 22
4 Pages
Sept-Dec, Introduction to C#
24 Nov 22, updated 30 Nov 22
4 Pages
Estimación de regresión lineal simple con R
21 Nov 22, updated 30 Nov 22
8 Pages
Python matplotlib cheat sheet
19 Nov 22, updated 2 Dec 22
2 Pages
Lectura de ficheros en R
19 Nov 22, updated 30 Nov 22
2 Pages
Análisis exploratorio de datos en R
20 Nov 22