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Design Pattern Examples Cheat Sheet by

Examples for implementing SOLID and other design patterns with JavaScript.

Abstract Factory

function ClassFactory() {
   this.type = 'class'
   this.logType = function () {
      console.log('Type', this.type)

function WarriorClass() {
   this.subtype = 'warrior'
   this.logSubtype = function () {
      console.log('Subtype', this.subtype)

function WizardClass() {
   this.subtype = 'wizard'
   this.logSubtype = function () {
      console.log('Subtype', this.subtype)

const $warrior = new WarriorClass()
Type class
Subtype warrior

Dynamic Function From String

global.runFoo = function runFoo() {
   if (arguments.length) {
      let args = []
      for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
executed runFoo(${args.join()})
)    } else {       console.log('executed runFoo()')    } } const fn = 'runFoo' const fnParams = [1,2,3] global[fn]() globalfn
executed runFoo()
executed runFoo­(1,2,3)

Functional Interface (Interface Segreg­ation)

global.oven = function Oven() {
   this.on = false
   this.turnOn = function () {
      this.on = true
   this.turnOff = function () {
      this.on = false
   this.cook = function (item) {
Cooking ${item} in the oven
)    } } // function Stove() { // ES6 global.stove = function Stove() {    this.on = false    this.turnOn = function () {       this.on = true    }    this.turnOff = function () {       this.on = false    }    this.cook = function (item) {       console.log(
Cooking ${item} in the stove
)    } } function ICooker(cooker) {    // let fn = window[cooker]; // ES6    let fn = global[cooker] // Node.js    return new fn() } function Restaurant(name, cooker) { = name    this.cooker = new ICooker(cooker)    this.cook = function (item) {       this.cooker.turnOn()       this.cooker.cook(item)       this.cooker.turnOff()    } } const cookerTypes = {    OVEN: 'oven',    STOVE: 'stove', } const bakery = new Restaurant('Bakery', cookerTypes.OVEN) bakery.cook('cookies') const crepery = new Restaurant('Crepery', cookerTypes.STOVE) crepery.cook('crepes')
Cooking cookies in the oven
Cooking crepes in the stove

Functional Constr­uctor

function Robot(name, job) { = name
   this.job = job
   this.introduce = function () {
Name ${}
)       console.log(
Job ${this.job}
)    } } const walle = new Robot('Wall-E', 'clean') console.log(walle instanceof Robot) walle.introduce()
Name Wall-E
Job clean

Functional Inheri­tance (Liskov Substi­tution)

const Scientist = {
   init: function (name) { = name

   run_experiment: function () {
${} is running experiment
)    }, } const MadScientist = {    ...Scientist,    run_experiment: function () {       const sabotage = !!Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)       if (sabotage) {          console.log(
${} is sabotaging experiment!
)       } else {          console.log(
${} is running experiment
)       }    }, } const neil = Object.create(Scientist) neil.init('Neil') const hubert = Object.create(MadScientist) hubert.init('Hubert') neil.run_experiment() hubert.run_experiment()
Neil will always return "Neil is running experi­men­t"
Hubert will possibly return "­Hubert is running experi­men­t" or "­Hubert is sabatoging experi­men­t!"

Open/Close Principle

function announce(collection) {


var favoriteCities = {
   items: {
      Denmark: 'Copenhagen',
      Uganda: 'Kampala',
      Uraguay: 'Montevideo',

   description: 'My favorite cities around the world:',

   logItems: function () {
      Object.keys(this.items).forEach(function (key) {
      }, this)

My favorite cities around the world:


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