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Project organisation Cheat Sheet by

Project organisation

Programmes and projects

Programme is a collection of related projects
Reduction of duplic­ation
Co-ord­ination of resources
Management of interd­epe­nde­ncies
Common objectives
Project manager looks after 1 project
Programme manager looks after program

Matrix management

When all staff can't report to PM
An individual reports to 2+ people
PM's control over the team will vary
Level of resource required varies over time

Project support office

Admin support for the project manager
Task e.g. time recording; updating of project plans; risk log mainte­nance; issues (change) log mainte­nance; arranging meetings; issuing agendas; taking minutes; chasing actions; config­uration management

Management styles

Autocratic - clear direction and quick decisions, decisive, firm and effective. Maybe seen as uncaring, cold, distant
Democratic - shares respon­sib­ility for decisi­on-­making and for the team’s perfor­mance. Will get more commitment from the team. Maybe seen as weak.

Project team

Group with comple­mentary skills & a common purpose, perfor­mance, goals and approach. Directly or indirectly accoun­table to PM.
Brought together for project object­ives.
On comple­tion, the team is disbanded
Not always located together

Organi­sat­ional framework

Formal mgmt structure needed with roles
Named people allocated to each role
Roles need authority and respon­sib­ility
Indivi­duals must complete roles correctly, willingly and understand object­ives.
High status is not enough to be given a role
Previous experience or training is needed
Sponsor below that
Project board (or steering committee or project management board)
Project manager
Stage manager
Project team leader
Team member
Below that
Project assurance team
Project support office
Config­uration management team

Team building: Tuckma­n-J­ensen model


Commun­ica­tions methods

Progress Reports
Text Messages
Email Messages
1to1 Conver­sations
Video chat
Intranets And Extranets
Social Networks

Belbins nine team roles

(don’t need one of each, just a good mix, someone can be more than one)
Shaper – energetic team member, over achiever who drives the team along
Plant – creative & innovative team member (planting such a person in a bad team is a good way to improve perfor­mance)
Resource invest­igator – makes contacts outside group, brings in ideas, inform­ation and to acquire materi­als­/re­sources
Co-ord­inator – a chairp­erson who promotes decisi­on-­making and delegates well (not necess­arily the team leader)
Monitor evaluator – analytical and able to assess ideas and options but is not creative
Team worker – helps to maintain team spirit and cohesion
Completer finisher – consci­entious and painst­aking, concerned with getting things done (important team trait)
Technical specialist – can provide the team with technical expertise
Implem­enter – attends to details, hard-w­orking and organises the practical side of the project

Charac­ter­istics of a project manager

They need to have skills in:
leader­ship; motiva­tion; planning; negoti­ation (being firm, flexible, and able to compromise where approp­riate); delega­tion.
They need to be:
respon­sible; reliable; available (not just for this project but contac­table at all reasonable times); intell­igent; sociable (able to mix well); Approa­chable; knowle­dgeable in the business area for the particular project.


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