Beginner Block
i |
start insert |
<esc> or <C-[> |
escape to normal mode |
:w [<filename>] |
in normal mode, write to current file |
:q |
in normal mode, quit the editor |
Cursor Motions: keystokes that move the cursor
hjkl |
left/down/up/right |
f/F |
search and move to next typed character |
t/T |
similar to f/F
. but stop before character |
0/$ |
start/end of current line |
^/g_ |
start and end of current line with non whitespace |
w/e |
next start/end of word, W/E
for word with punctunation |
b/B |
previous start of word B
for word with punctuation |
gg |
go to line {count}, default first line |
G |
go to line {count}, default last line |
-/<enter> |
previous/next start of the line |
H/M/L |
cursor go to TOP/MIDDLE/BOTTOM of the screen |
'' |
(single quote twice) previous location in jumplist |
'{a-z}/`{a-z} |
previous marked position using m{a-z}, E.g. ma `a |
'. |
To the position where the last change was made. |
% |
move to closing pair [], {}, () |
{1-9}+ |
a number type before motions, repeat {count} motion |
:help motion |
check more on documents inside vim |
g; g, |
cycle through change positions |
Vim Concept: Motions - command that moves the cursor, depends on current cursor position. Above list is not complete! It can be used with OPERATOR to efficiently editing text in Textual User Interface
Operator - commands that edit text efficiently
d |
delete/cut |
c |
change |
y |
copy/yank |
~ |
reverse case |
! |
filter with external program, E.g. format doc |
gu/gU |
make lower/upper case |
</> |
indent left/right |
= |
filter with predefined equalprg
zf |
fold the text |
Two way to combine operator and selections:
1. operator first then selection
2. visual selection first then does operation
E.g. di"
delete the word inside double quotes or equivalently vi"d
E.g. yy
copy the current line, dd
cut/delete the current line ( Press one operator twice operate on current line as the selection)
Text-Object-Motion : Level Up Cursor Motion
ap |
around a paragraph |
iw |
inner word |
aw |
aroud word |
i" |
inner double quote |
a" |
around double quote |
// |
last search result, follow after operator |
//0 |
search-offset to that whole line |
:h iw |
help for more |
Paste && Registers
p |
paste after cursor using content from register "
P |
paste before cursor or cursor line |
"0p |
paste 0
register's content in normal mode |
:register |
show content of a list of registers |
:h i_ctrl-r |
more registers |
VIM Concept: Registers, used to store copy/cut text, the register can have single character names, {0-9a-z"%#*+:.-=} .
Page Movement
<C-e>/<C-y> |
move buffer down/up and keep cursor position |
zz |
bring current cursor line to center |
zb |
bring current cursor line to bottom screen |
zt |
bring current cursor line to top screen |
Visual Mode Commands
o |
switch between two ends of selection (anchor) |
<c-v> |
switch to visual block mode |
V |
switch to visual line mode |
v |
switch to visual mode |
gt |
go to next tab |
gT |
go to previous tab |
:tabnew |
new tab, <leader>t |
:tabclose |
close current tab |
File Navigation
Ctrl + 6 / Ctrl + ^ |
jump to previous opened file in current window |
gf |
open file using the text under the cursor |
:tabe <filename> |
open file in the new tab |
:e <filename> |
open file in the current window |
:ls |
list current opened buffers(files) |
:buf <number> |
open selected buffer(file) in the current window |
Start Insert Mode in various way
a |
insert after the cursor (append) |
i |
insert in front of the cursor |
I (Caps i) |
Insert at the beginning of the line |
A |
Insert at the end of the line |
s |
remove current character and enter insert mode |
R |
enter insert mode with REPLACE semantic |
c <motions> |
delete selected text and enter insert mode |
gi |
go to last edited place and enter insert mode |
Windows (Split, Size Adjustment, Placement)
<C-w>= |
equal size display all panels |
<C-w>s |
horizontal split |
<C-w>v |
vertical split |
<C-W>p |
go to last accessed window |
<C-w>H |
put pane to absolute left, take full height |
<C-w>L |
put pane to absolute right, take full height |
<C-w>J |
put pane to absolute bottom, take full width |
<C-w>K |
put pane to absolute top, take full width |
:set splitright |
for vertical split, place new pane right |
:vertical split <filename> |
vertical split buffer/file |
<C-w>hjkl |
move to cursor to relative left/down/up/right pane |
Insert Mode ( Emacs Style Single Line Editing)
<C-a> |
Jump to the beginning of the line |
<C-e> |
Jump to the end of the line |
<C-w> |
Backward-Delete Word |
<C-d> |
Forward-Delete Word |
<C-y> |
paste/yank to current line |
<C-k> |
delete the rest line after cursor |
Useful Utility Commands (Normal Mode)
. |
dot command, repeat last change
J |
Join the line below to current line |
<C-a> |
add {count} to number under cusor |
<C-x> |
subtract {count} to number under cusor |
@; |
repeat last cmdline command |
<leader>j |
break current line and move trailing part one line above |
dot command .
repeat text changes that is defined by vim. E.g. invoked by operator c
and followup inserted text.
Ctrl+R (Using Registers in Insert/Command Mode)
<C-R>/ |
put last search string |
<C-R>= |
calculator <C-R>=128/2, insert mode |
<C-R>" |
put last copied text |
<C-R>0 |
put second to last copied text |
dot command .
does not repeat command line commands, only changes that is defined by vim. E.g. invoked by operator c
and followup inserted text.
CSCOPE MAPPING (My Configuration)
:cs add <path to cscope.out> <path to worksapce> |
<leader>ca |
add cscope.out <worksapce path> |
<leader>gs |
search the C symbol under cursor |
<leader>gd |
search global defintion |
<leader>gc |
search who called this function |
<leader>ge |
search this string as egrep pattern |
<leader>gf |
search for this file under cursor |
<leader>gi |
search for files that include the current file |
<leader>ga |
search assignment to this variable |
cscope is the most common tool for developing c projects. (look up symbol, definition, locate caller/callee of functions, etc). cscope interface is built-in feature for most vim distribution. To generate cscope database, first use cscope -Rbq
in your project directory.
Normal Commands (My Configuration)
q |
close current window |
<cr> |
equivalent to :noh Remove Search Highlights |
<leader>m |
open tagbar for current file |
<leader>l |
toggle line number display |
<leader>z |
open current file in a new tab to "ZOOM" |
Command Mode :
:% |
{range}, equal to 1,$ (the entire file) |
:{range}! <external cmd> |
range of text is being pipe to cmd to be replaced |
:%! xxd |
edit binary file |
:%! xxd -r |
save the file into binary form |
Ctrl-f |
open cmdline editing windows |
Special and Very Useful Windows -- Quickfix
:copen/:cclose |
open/close Quickfix |
:cn |
go to next fix |
:cp |
go to previous fix |
:make all -j |
build the code & report on quickfix list |
Quickfix typically used after :make
command and can be configured to work with cscope
. The quickfix window contains the parsed result from :make
that contains where complication error happen, and put cursor to exactly the file/line/column so user can just fix it!
I open quick fix with my shortcut and prefix a :botright copen
to open it at the bottom of window
Fold The Content
:set foldmethod= |
available values: syntax, indent, manual |
:set foldlevel= |
0,1,2,3,.., applied when value is changed |
za |
toggle folding at the cursor position |
zf |
Operator to create a fold (manual mode only) |
zo |
open selection text |
zc |
close the fold |
Vim Diff Mode
:diffsplit <[filename]> |
split the window with diff mode on |
:diffoff |
turn off diff mode, (include diff highlights) |
:set diff! |
only switch the diff color highlight |
do |
diff obtain the change from the other side |
dp |
diff put change to the other side |
windo diffoff
can turn off all diffmode windows in current tab
Commentary ( External Plugin )
gcc |
comment/uncomment current line |
10gcc |
comment next 10 lines |
gcu |
comment block |
gcap |
comment the paragrah |
gc |
comment selection (visual mode) |
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