Business or POI |
Street number, name, locality, region, postal code, country, same physical location listed on official resources |
Research and resources |
Official social media (updated last 6 months), recent street imagery, postal authorities, Gov property registries |
If more than one official address for the same location, all of them are Correct |
If no official resources: articles in primary publications, crowdsourced user review sites |
Alternate addresses |
If valid (found in official resources), rate Correct |
Alternative address |
Correct when it matches the address of any department or entity as the same location complex or campus |
Correct when it lists the correct locality for the entity |
Can't verify is exact locality is unclear (entity borders multiple localities) |
Incorrect - Locality if no locality provided |
Region and Postal Codes must appear in countries where they are mandatory components |
PO Box, mailing addresses and Management Offices |
Addresses pointing to a different location or building are rated Incorrect - Other Issue |
Business or POI with moving locations |
Either a fixed schedule or move at random, some appear to be moving but can be permanently based at the same location |
Random schedule |
Can't be predicted or shown on the map, either closed or does not exist |
Fixed schedule |
Such as food trucks, schedules are posted on official sources, the most accurate location is the one the Business stays the most in a time period Other addresses are Incorrect - Other Issue in cases of tie, any of those locations are Correct |
Fixed location |
Stationary bus or truck are evaluated like a standard business |
Events |
Regular (farmer's market), annual (Burning Man, festivals), seasonal (halloween store) |
If query and location intent are clear, assign an appropriate relevance rating, otherwise Bad |
Singular or non established events |
If no any map significance, rate it Closed - Does not exist except if this location become a POI (historical importance) |
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