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Posting a Corporate Announcement Cheat Sheet by


Corporate Announ­cement

Start by selecting new announ­cement


Spell check any text in Word before starting your announ­cement. Also, be sure to copy the link to the location of your inform­ation that you will want to direct users.


Titles should be short but descri­ptive. Do not use just "­Please Read" without more details.


The body of the announ­cement should include the rest of the details pertaining to your title.
Also include links and locations to where specific content may be found on the intranet.
Keep the formatting of the body simple, just use the default styles with the occasional bold, italic as necessary.
See "­adding links" in this cheat sheet
Do not upload documents as attach­ments or photos into the announ­cement, those should be stored within the Shared Content Area and linked to for more inform­ation.


All announ­cements must have an expiration date to come off the homepage area. If it is a timely announ­cement, please have it expire a day after the event. If it more general in inform­ation, please have it expire no more than a month out from the day you are posting.


EAC Event
Emergency Alert
Human Resources
PAMED Corporate
Unless you are in HR, on the EAC, or Wellness committee, you will be selecting PAMED Corporate as your category. Selecting a category will identify the icon that appears next to the announ­cement. After you post an announ­cement, it may take a little while for your icon to appear. Don't worry, it will eventually appear.

Display at Top

Indicates whether the announ­cement is urgent and should be displayed at the top of the list above all other announ­cements until it expires. You must have your superv­isor's approval to select this. If all announ­cements are selected to appear at the top, then other announ­cements posted may be missed.

Alert Everyone

do not select this unless it is an Emergency Alert! All staff have already been setup to receive alerts on all homepage announ­cem­ents. Some staff have changed when they would like to receive alerts. This will bypass their personal settings and force an alert to be sent to them immedi­ately.

Display County Exec Site

Checking this item will result in this item being displayed in the announ­cements section on the County Exec Collab­oration Site. Please do not include any links to specific documents as not all who have access to the County Exec Collab­oration sites have access to our intranet content.
Note: If you end up deleting a corporate announ­cement from the homepage and have this box checked. It does NOT automa­tically delete it from the County Exec Site. That would need to be done manually.

What to Post

When should something be a Corporate Announ­cement?
When all PAMED, SSMS, and Foundation staff should be made aware of the inform­ation or would find it useful.
When should something not be a Corporate Announ­cement?
Personal notes, fundra­isers, or inform­ation that only pertains to a select few should not be posted on the homepage.
Personal notes can be added to the Staff Waterc­ooler.

Required Fields

All required fields will have an * beside them

Who can Post

Anyone can post a Corporate Announ­cement but you must have your superv­isor's permission before posting. They do not need to read your announ­cement, just let them know you plan to post an announ­cement and on what topic and they have said OK.

Don't See Your Post

After you have saved your announ­cement, if you are not seeing it appear. Check the list, it may not be the top announ­cement listed if other announ­cements have the "­appear at top" selected.

Who Can See

Only internal PAMED, SSMS, and Foundation staff can see our corporate announ­cem­ents. Physicians and anyone working on the collab­oration sites do not have access to internal content or resources.

Expired Announ­cements

Where can i find announ­cements that have expired? Use the Search to find the content you were looking for, expired announ­cements will appear in search results. Also, you can click on the Corporate Announ­cements header to see the full list of past announ­cem­ents.

When will Staff know

All staff will get a notifi­cation that there is a new announ­cement posted based on their individual prefer­ences. Be aware, If you go back in and update an existing alert, some staff will be notified again that there were changes.

Adding A Link

You can either copy the destin­ation URL from the display bar in your browser or use the link provided when you click on the ... next to a piece of content
Show the location of how to navigate to the document using "­>" to identify steps and make that the text your hyperlink
Shared Content > Staff Resources > Staff Training
Highlight the text and go to the Insert tab in the ribbon
Select Link from address and paste your link
Before you hit
go to the link you just pasted in
from the beginning of the link and just start your link with
Since you are already on the intranet, you don't need to include that part in your url. It just slows down the user from directly accessing the content.


Ask your SharePoint Champion to help if you if you have any problems posting a corporate announ­cement.


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