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AP World History Survival Guide Cheat Sheet by

Is this the right class for YOU?

Are you good at history?
If you aren't good at history, you may want to reconsider if you want to be in an AP class about the history of the whole world that requires you to memorize and be able to recollect explicit inform­ation even months after learning it. It's always good to take AP classes on subjects you're passionate about, so if you don't have decent background with history, WHAP may not be for you.
Will you put in the effort?
If school isn't a priority for you, don't take this class. And I'm not attacking you! I'm just saying that if you have other activities or people that are more important to you than school work (religion, sports, frequent family events, etc.), you may not want to take this class or at least not in junction with many other demanding classes.
Can you self-s­tudy?
Because there's a lot of inform­ation, you won't be able to learn everything in class so you'll do some textbo­ok-­reading and note-t­aking. If you aren't willing to be indepe­ndent on your learning, you will fail this class or barely pass.


You're not the only person that has ever taken this test and needed a way to remember the inform­ation. Looking up other people's reviews, notes, or presen­tations may hlep you comprehend the inform­ation different. Also, freema­n-pedia is amazing.
You'll most likely have some access to textbooks and other readings about the class and individual concepts.
Need more?
Just ask. 9 times out of 10, your teacher will be elated that you actively want to study and that you're asking for help as opposed to giving up. They'll gladly give you more textbooks or AP Exam Guideb­ooks.

Writing Portion

Because the test has a writing portion, the class will have a writing portion. It's not like regular writing where you can throw something together and pass because you wrote well. You need to know what you're being asked to do as well as the content and be able to elaborate and explain well no matter how well you write it.

DBQ Walkth­rough

Read and Comprehend
You don't have to use the whole 15 minutes of reading time, but there's nothing wrong with using it either. If you need to read and reread, there's no problem as long as you comprehend the passage well.
You should analyze the passages in relation to SPICE and HIPPO.
Writing it
Making your thesis isn't as difficult when you think about using the passages to support it. You should use some to support it and counter it and be able to refute them to make your thesis more feasible.

LEQ Walkth­rough

Choose Question
Whichever period you know best, of course, choosing that question would be beneficial to you.
Keep in Mind the Rubric
Your LEQ can keep you from passing, so getting as many points as you're capable of is a must. Writing a good essay that answers the question without following the rubric is a sad way to fail.

SAQ Walkth­rough

I know you've been drilled to write a proper thesis, but SAQs are just that: short. Wasting your time on a thesis will distract you from actually writing an SAQ.
Use the source given to support your answer.
Support your support. Give an effect of what you cited to further support your answer.


Make your own reviews
You will most likely be receiving reviews after every test or period from your teachers and there are a lot of good ones online, but I genuinely recommend for you to make one for yourself. If you make it yourself, it'll be easier to understand when you go over it later which will help you a lot for the AP Exam.
How to Make a Review
I suggest you use either mind-maps or what I'm using for this: Cheato­graphy. It makes a big difference when you have somewhat of a visual to separate things
If you do period reviews, it'd be best to do timelines or simple sequences for what happened in each period.
Cornell Notes
Okay, Cornell Notes can be irksome, but the best part is the summary. If you include summaries, it'll be easier to review by just reading those as opposed to going through the whole set of notes. Also, Cornell Notes are recomm­ended because the general process of going back to notes several times helps with memori­zation.

Reviewing Periods

With reviews, you should try to follow the periods very well. At the end of learning every period, making a mind map or a cheat sheet like this one about the period itself is a good idea. This also makes studying for your AP Exam a lot easier.

Reviewing Concepts (Religion, Culture, etc)

Make individual reviews for each religion and ancient culture. A cheato­graphy about Hinduism will be easier to look over within the month before the exam than a whole presen­tation.

Reviewing Regions

Keep a review for each region over time. Using XMind or another mindma­pping program to make a timeline would be good. After learning each period, just build on your timeline so you can see the changes over time for each nation. This will especially help for CCOTs.


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