Cheat sheet for Google Search
Google Ninja Cheatsheet - Basic Search
Web Search Basics
Phrases |
Enclose the phrase in double-quotes ("surrey with the fringe on top") |
Boolean AND |
Search for all words in query. This is Google's default. |
Boolean OR |
Search for any of the terms. The operator is "OR" |
Boolean NOT (Negation) |
Do not include results that have a specific word. The operator is "-" |
Explicit Inclusion |
Make sure a stop word is included in the search. The operator is "+". |
Numeric Range |
Search for numbers within a range. The operator is "..". |
Partial-Word Wildcards |
Google always implicitly uses partial word wildcards. |
Full-Word Wildcards |
Substitute for one full word. The operator is "". Use multiple "*" to search for multiple wildcards. |
Using Special Syntax
Google is a full-text search engine. It indexes entire web pages rather than just titles and descriptions. Special syntax operators allow you to specify that your query words must appear in specific parts of the web page in order to return the page as a search result.
Special Syntax Operators
Web Page Title |
intitle: | allintitle: |
Web Page Body Text |
intext: | allintext: |
Web Page Link Anchors |
inanchor: |
Specific Web Site or Domain |
site: |
inurl: |
Find pages that link to the specified URL |
link: |
Find a copy of the page that Google has previously indexed |
cache: |
Search for file type extensions |
filetype: |
Find pages that are related to the specified page |
related: |
Provide a page of links to more information about a specified URL |
info: |
Give you a page of definitions of the search word |
define: |
Find movie reviews |
movie: |
Find music-related information |
music: |
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