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test cheat sheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Domain and Range

Solving domain and range



Family function (trans­for­mation)


y=c is a horizontal line
y=x the pints on the graph have points (a,a)
y=x2 graph is shaped like a U
y=x3 graph is symmet­rical about the origin
y=1/x graph has to branches
y=|x| graphed like a V
y=[[x]] is greater than the integer less than or equal to x


Sin=op­pos­ite­/hy­pot­enuse cos=ad­jac­ent­/hy­pot­enuse tan=op­pos­ite­/ad­jacent
Tan=Si­n/Cos Sec=1/cos Csc=1/sin Cot=1/Tan or Cos/Sin

Log expanding and simpli­fying


1.) Multiply the inside log and turn into addition outside the log and vice verse
2.)divide inside the log and turn into subtra­ction outside the log, vice versa
3.)exp­onent on everything inside a log can be moves out in front as a multip­lic­ation, vice versa.

The Relati­onship: "­logb(x) = y" means the same thing as "b y = x"
Logarithms are really exponents (powers); they're just written differ­ently
logb(b) = 1, for any base b, because b1 = b
logb(1) = 0, for any base b, because b0 = .
logb(a) is undefined if a is negative
logb(0) is undefined for any base .
logb(bn) = n, for any base b

Unit Circle

Angle Difference and Sum

sin (A+­B)=sin A cos B+ cos A sin B
cos (A+B)= cos A cos B-sin A sin B
tan (A+B)= tan A + tan B/ 1-tan A tan B
sin (A-­B)=sin A cos B- cos A sin B
cos (A-B)= cos A cos B+sin A sin B
tan (A-B)= tan A - tan B/ 1+tan A tan B