Include Headers
#include |
<headerfile> |
Common Headers / Libraries |
#include <stdio.h> |
I / O functions |
#include <string.h> |
string functions |
#include <time.h> |
time functions |
#include <stdlib.h> |
memory, rand, ... |
#include <math.h> |
math functions |
#include <iostream.h> |
#include <fstream.h> |
I / O file functions |
#include "myfile.h" |
Insert file in current directory |
// One line comment text |
/* multiple line block comment text */ |
Basic Variable Types
NUMBER int a; float a;
CHARACTER char car; string s; char car = ‘c’; string s = “hola mon”;
BOOL bool b = false/true;
Basic input / Output Operators
cin |
cin >> var |
cout |
cout<<"The variable has"<<var |
Basic Operators / Math Operators
+ Add |
- Less |
* Mult |
/ Div |
% Mod |
++var / --var |
var++ / var-- |
A == B |
if A is equal to B, this is true; otherwise, it’s false |
A != B |
if A is NOT equal to B, this is true; otherwise, it’s false |
A < B |
if A is less than B, this is true; otherwise, it’s false |
A > B |
if A is greater B, this is true; otherwise, it’s false |
A <= B |
if A is less than or equal to B, this is true; otherwise, it’s false |
A >= B |
if A is greater or equal to B, this is true; otherwise, it’s false |
A ! B |
if A |
A && B |
if condition A and condition B are true, this is true; otherwise, it's false. |
A || B |
if condition A or condition B is true, this is true; otherwise, it's false. |
Boolean expressions in C++ are evaluated left to right!
type array_name [ # of elements ]; int price [10];
type array_name [# elements] [# elements]; int price [5] [10];
· Array index starts at 0.
· Ex: Access 3rd element : cout<<price [2];
Control Flow
if sentence |
if ( conditional ) { // do something } else if ( another_conditional ) { // do something else } else { // do something as default } |
while sentence |
while ( conditional ) { // do something } placing “break;” breaks out of the loop. placing “continue;” jumps to next loop. |
for sentence |
for ( init; test; command ) { // do something } "break;" and "continue;" identical effects. |
do while sentence |
do { //do something } while (bool expression); |
switch case sentence |
switch ( variable ) { case value1: // do something; break; case value2: // do something else; break; [default: // do something by default: break; ] } |
File Input / Output
ifstream file;
ofstream file; ("filename", [file mode constant]);
if(fs.is_open()) if(fs)
file >> var;
file << ''Text: "<< var << endl; //Write
//Read Entire line
getline (file,String);
//Read until it arrives at the end of file
//Detect if the read/write fail
//Close File
File Mode Constants
ios::in //Opens file for reading
ios::out //Opens file for writing
ios::app //Causes output to be appended at EOF
ios::trunc //Destroys the previous contents
ios::nocreate //Causes open() to fail if file doesn't already exist
ios::noreplace //Causes open() to fail if file already exists
void ProcedureName()
In the procedures we don't receive variables and don't return other variable.
[returnType] functionName ( [input1Type input1Name, input2Type input2Name, ....] )
return value;
[returntype var =] functionName ([input1Type input1Name, input2Type input2Name, ....])
We have two methods to create and call functions:
passed with values and passed for reference.
Pass by reference : we put & before variable in the declaration.
Structure declaration : |
struct <structure_name> { <type> <name>, <name>, ... ; <type> <name>, <name>, ... ; } |
Var declaration with structure type : |
<structure_name> var_name; |
Acces to structure : |; |
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