Ctrl+N |
New item (in item view). |
Ctrl+Shift+M |
New email. |
Ctrl+Shift+A |
New appointment. |
Ctrl+Shift+Q |
New meeting request. |
Ctrl+Shift+C |
New contact. |
Ctrl+Shift+N |
New note. |
Ctrl+Shift+K |
New task. |
Esc |
Close window. |
Ctrl+C |
Copy (everywhere) |
Ctrl+V |
Paste (everywhere) |
Ctrl+Z |
Undo (everywhere) |
Alt+H |
Home menu, indirect shortcuts |
Ctrl+Shift+I |
Switch to inbox. |
Ctrl+1 |
Switch to mail. |
Ctrl+2 |
Switch to calendar. |
Ctrl+3 |
Switch to contacts. |
Ctrl+4 |
Switch to tasks. |
Ctrl+5 |
Switch to notes. |
Ctrl+7 |
Switch to shortcuts. |
Ctrl+Shift+B |
Switch to Address book. |
F6, Shift+F6 |
Move between panes. |
Ctrl+Y, đź ”, đź ” |
Select folder. |
In Calendar (Ctrl+2)
Alt+1 to 9 |
Display 1 to 9 days. |
Ctrl+G |
Go to specific date. |
Ctrl+G (in apt) |
Set up recurrence. |
Alt+H,F,W |
Forward appointment. |
Alt+H,O,D |
Show today. |
Ctrl+Alt+1 |
Show daily view. |
Ctrl+Alt+2 |
Work week view. |
Ctrl+Alt+3 |
Full week view. |
Ctrl+Alt+4 |
Month view. |
Ctrl+< or Alt+đź • |
Previous email/appt. |
Ctrl+> or Alt+đź — |
Next email/appt. |
Spacebar |
Scroll reading pane. |
Ctrl+D |
Delete email. |
Ctrl+Delete |
Mute/unmute conversation. |
Ctrl+Shift+D |
Delete and ignore conversation. |
Ctrl+R |
Reply to email. |
Ctrl+Shift+R |
Reply all to email. |
Ctrl+Alt+R |
Reply with (new) meeting request. |
Ctrl+I |
Start IM message. |
Ctrl+F |
Forward email. |
Ctrl+Alt+F |
Forward as attachment. |
Enter |
Open email, expand tree. |
Ctrl+Q |
Mark email read. |
Ctrl+U |
Mark email unread. |
Alt+H, L |
Filter current view. |
Alt+H,L,U |
Filter out read messages. |
Alt+H,J,O |
Set junk mail options. |
Alt+F |
File menu. |
Ctrl+Shift+W |
Jumpt to info bar (when available) |
If you remember only one shortcut!
Insert |
Flag, then un/complete. |
Alt+Insert |
Remove flag. |
Shift+F10 |
Bring up the context menu |
F3, or Ctrl+E |
Search. |
Ctrl+Shift+F |
Advanced search. |
F4 |
Search text in open item. |
Shift+F4 |
Search next item. |
Alt+O |
Open meeting. |
Alt+S |
Snooze reminder. |
Alt+D |
Dismiss reminder. |
Writing email
Ctrl+Alt+num |
Header style num |
Ctrl+Alt+V |
Paste special (keeps format consistent). |
Ctrl+I/B |
Apply italic, bold formatting. |
Shift+F10 |
Bring context menu |
Ctrl+Shift+L |
Insert bullet list. |
Ctrl+K (in body) |
Insert hyperlink. |
Alt+A |
Attach a file. |
Ctrl+T, w/ Shift |
Increase, decrease indent. |
Ctrl + [ or ] |
Increase, decrease font size. |
Ctrl+Space |
Clear formatting |
Alt+O |
Full format menu |
F7 |
Check spelling. |
Ctrl+S |
Save as draft. |
Write the recipients last! |
Ctrl+K (in to:/cc:) |
Check recipient names and emails |
Alt+S or Ctrl+↲ |
Send email. |
F11 |
Search contact in favourites. |
Esc |
Close contact. |
Ctrl+I |
Open IM message. |
Ctrl+N |
Open Mail message. |
Search terms
from:"Doe, John" |
category:important |
subject:"project outlook" |
read:no |
received:may |
received:yesterday |
received:>mm/dd/yy |
messagesize:>5MB |
hasattachment:yes |
crit1 AND crit2 |
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