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HiralOT_Pharmacology_Cholinergic Drugs Cheat Sheet by

Everything basic about cholinergic drugs

Cholnergic Drugs intro

at Cholin­ergic synapsis- that use Ach as neurot­ran­smitter
Cholin­ergic Receptors
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Cholnergic Stimulants
Increase activity at ACh line synapses.
Direct acting Cholin­ergic Stimulants
Bind directly with the Cholin­ergic receptor
Indirect acting Cholin­ergic stimulants
increase synaptic activity by inhibiting the ACh linest­erase enzyme located at Cholin­ergic synapse

Direct Acting Cholin­ergic Stimulants

Cholin­ergic Agonists
Function: similar to Ach Molecule
Is DIRECT ACTING Cholin­ergic stimulant
Muscur­ininc Cholinegic Stimulants
More beneficial , primarily AFFECT the peripheral tissues while exerting a minimal effect on the cholin­ergic receptors located in the autonomic ganglia and the neurom­uscular junction.
Clinical use
only few are useful
Follow The Table
Every durg

Indire­ct-­acting Cholin­ergic Stimulants

increase activity at cholin­ergic synapses by inhibiting the Achsterase enzyme that is respon­sible for destroying Ach after this neurot­ran­smitter is released from the presyn­aptic termin­al.So it allows more Ach to remain in the Synapse. FINALLY: It increases in cholin­ergic synaptic transm­ission.
Also known as
Cholin­est­erase inhibitors / antich­lin­est­erase agents
What it does finally
Exert a stimul­atory effect on the peripheral muscuranic cholin­ergic synapses and on the cholin­ergic synapses found at the autonomic ganglia, at the skeletal neurom­uscular junction, and within certain aspects of the CNS.

Adverse effects

p. 293
Problems and adverse effects

Clinical Applic­ations

Mainly: Both
decrease in smooth muscle tone tha toccur in GI trct and bladder following abdominal surgery or trauma.
glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, alzheimer disease and to reverse the effects from an overdose of other drugs such as neurom­uscular blocking agents and antich­oli­nes­ter­gics.
Alzheimer disease
p. 292
Myasthenia Gravis
Reversal of Neurom­uscular blockage
Reversal of Ach-In­duced CNS toxicity

Antech­oli­nergic Drugs

Compet­itive antago­nists of the postsy­naptic Cholin­ergic receptors: So they bind reversibly to the cholin­ergic receptor but do NOT activate it.
BLOCKS the receptor from teh efects of endoge­nously released Ach ---> dimini­shing the cellular response to Cholin­ergic stimul­ation.
Other names
Antinu­scu­rin­ic/­ant­ini­cotinic DRUGS
AntiNi­cotinic Nn-Ant­ago­nists
USED for Extreme High BP and Hypert­ensive emerge­ncies
To produce Surgery by blocking the Skeletal NMJ

Antimu­sca­rinic AntiCh­oli­nergic Drugs

Prototype Drug
Obtained from:
Extract of plants such as belladonna and jimsonweed
BLOCK Postsy­naptic Cholin­ergic Muscarinic Receptor
Five subtypes M1-M5
Antagonize cholin­ergic receptors on number of tissues which leads to side effects (see above Cheat sheet)
Clinical Applic­ation
GI, Parkinson, and treat clinical disorder (table 19-2, p. 295)
Deficiency of the dopamine in the basal ganglia. --> leads to overac­tivity of central cholin­ergic synapse
Atropine- primarirly use to block vagus nerve on myocar­dium. Slows heart rate, conduction of the cardiac action postential thorughout the myoardium.
Motion sickness
antimu­sca­rinics - Scopol­amine


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