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Legal Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Nova Labs Legal Cheat Sheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Steps that legal must take when dealing with TM
1. Clearance Searches
2. Legal analysis of viability
3. Inform the team/ Provide Recomm­end­ations
4. Prepare trademark applic­ation
5. File and save files in drives
6. Inform other team members
These are the minimum steps the legal must take when dealing with tradem­arks. The teams are encouraged to file for trademarks using this Form: https:­//d­ocs.go­ogl­e.c­om/­for­ms/­d/1­hT5­gbf­YUE­Yny­EQc­-jH­VyA­rsL­WIG­QZ0­u8f­4NV­Fju­KM7­Y/edit


Howie Test
1. investment of Money
2. Expect­ation of Profits
3. Common Enterprise
4. From the efforts of others
Apply the Howey Test when you or the team is unclear whether the issue raised could be a security

Marketing / Advert­isement

General principles
Claims must be truthful and not misleading
Claims must be substa­ntiated (tests, analyses, research, studies, or other evidence)