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Physiotherapist as an Administrator Cheat Sheet by

Physiotherapist as an Administrator - by Hareem Arshad

What is an Admini­str­ation?

"­Adm­ini­str­ation is a skilled process of planning, directing, organizing and managing human, technical, enviro­nmental and financial resources effect­ively and effici­ent­ly."­

-The Intera­ctive Guide to Physical Therapy Practice with Catalog of Tests and Measures.

What does a PT Admini­strator do?

1. Manages new hiring.
2. Evaluate the perfor­mance of Staff Members.
3. Makes wise decisions on firing Staff Members who are no longer beneficial to the organi­zation.
4. Supervises the purchasing of new supplies and equipp­ments.
5.Coll­aborate approp­riately with other members of Rehab & Healthcare Team.

Where can a PT Admini­strator help you?

1.Workflow assist­ance: A specia­lized partner can help implement proven practices to streamline your depart­mental practices and better interface with patients and other hospital staff.
3.Program expansion: Making important decisions regarding adopting new services in a profitable capacity can be easier with the right help.
2.Compliance support: Physical therapy management and admini­str­ation partners have the specia­lized knowledge needed to stay in line with industry regula­tions.
4.Recruiting and develo­pment: A specia­lized partner can also provide access to talent networks and best practices in training and staff develo­pment.

Admini­str­ation and Management

Admini­str­ation and Management are used interc­han­geably. The role of first level management is often considered as an admini­str­ative position.

Role of First-Line Management

Financial Respon­sib­ilities
HR Respon­sib­ilities
Operations Respon­sib­ilities
Inform­ation Respos­ibi­lities
1.Monitors and Report Revenue Expenses. E.g. Suppose the manager notices an increase in equipment mainte­nance costs. In that case, they might analyze the cause (such as aging equipment) and adjust the budget to accomm­odate repairs or replac­ements.
1. Hires or dismisses staff members. E.g. The manager might interview several candidates for a vacant physical therapist position and select the most qualified individual based on their experi­ence, skills, and fit with the team. In the same way, if the manager find a staff member not competent enough for the post they are hired on you dismis­s/fire them.
1. Analyze Produc­ibi­lity. E.g. The manager may establish perfor­mance metrics, such as patient volume per therapist or average treatment duration, to assess produc­tivity levels. If there's a decline in produc­tivity, the manager might conduct perfor­mance reviews, provide additional training, or adjust staffing levels accord­ingly to maintain efficiency without compro­mising quality of care.
1. Analyze data for Quality Assurance. E.g. The manager oversees quality assurance initia­tives, such as patient satisf­action surveys and clinical audits, to identify areas for improv­ement.
2. Requests for Funding.
2. Evaluate their perfor­mance. E.g. The manager meets regularly with each physical therapist to discuss their caseload, patient outcomes, and profes­sional develo­pment goals. If necessary, you might offer constr­uctive feedback or recommend additional training opport­unities to help them improve their perfor­mance.
2. Implement risk management program. E.g. The manager identify and mitigate financial risks that could impact the clinic's sustai­nab­ility or reputa­tion. This might involve implem­enting internal controls to prevent billing errors or fraud, conducting audits to ensure compliance with financial policies, or mainta­ining approp­riate insurance coverage.
2. Make internal reports.


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