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git-flow Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

git flow cheat sheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Git workflows

Start a feature, work on it, finish it.
Git flow merges feature back into develop

Work on develop, start a release, finish it
Git flow merges release into master and develop

Start a hotfix, work on it, finish it.
Git flow merges hotfix into master and develop

Initialise a new repo

$ mkgitrepo -n name

$ mkgitrepo -p -n name
Normal will create your remote repo in

Puppet will create your remote repo in

Clone an existing repository

$ git clone git@pv­iaa­sfu­jno­v02­:/o­pt/git/name.git

$ git clone git@pv­iaa­sfu­jno­v02­:/o­pt/­git­/pu­ppe­t/m­odules/name.git
Locations for cloning reposi­tories or modules

Branch checking

$ git branch -a

* develop



Shows the current remote a local braches

Switching Branches

git checkout branchname
Switches to a new branch. In git flow you will want to be working on the develop branch or features branch.

Checking git transa­ctions

Command Line
$ git log

Terminal Interface
$ tig

Status Checking

$ git status
Shows the status of the current directory


Adding new files
$ git add *

Committing changes
$ git commit -a -m "­Change descri­pti­on"
git commit -a
will only commit already tracked files. If you create new files you need to use
git add *

Git flow Features branch

Creating Features
$ git flow feature start "­Fea­tur­eNa­me"

Publish feature to remote
$ git flow feature publish "­Fea­tur­eNa­me"

Get a published feature
$ git flow feature pull origin "­Fea­tur­eNa­me"

Finishing a Feature
$ git flow feature finish "­Fea­tur­eNa­me"
Features are useful for large reposi­tories with multiple files, or reposi­tories where multiple people will be working at the same time.

Git flow Hotfix branch

Creating a Hotfix
$ git flow Hotfix start "­Hot­fix­Nam­e"

Publish Hotfix to remote
$ git flow Hotfix publish "­Hot­fix­Nam­e"

Get a published hotfix
$ git flow hotfix pull origin "­Hot­fix­Nam­e"

Finishing a Hotfix
$ git flow hotfix finish "­Hot­fix­Nam­e"
The hotfix branch is used to create fixes to the master branch, and then merge them back into the develop branch.

Git flow Release branch

Creating a Release
$ git flow Release start "­Rel­eas­eNa­me"

Publish Release to remote
$ git flow Release publish "­Rel­eas­eNa­me"

Get a published release
$ git flow release pull origin "­Rel­eas­eNa­me"

Finishing a Release
$ git flow release finish "­Rel­eas­eNa­me"
The release branch is used to merge the develop branch into master

Pushing changes

$ git push --all
Pushes your changes to the remote repository