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EngrAnalysisFinal Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Matlab Commands and Outputs

A command that has two numbers separated by a colon will result in all the numbers between in increments of 1.
A command that has 3 numbers separated by colons will go from the 1st to last number in increments of the 2nd number
If there is a semicolon on any of the commands, nothing will result
t=2:7 will result in t= 2 3 4 5 6 7
t=9:-1:3 will result in t= 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
t=5; shows nothing


In order to find something in a matrix use the following code:
When a colon is used in place of a specific subscript, the colon represents the entire row or column
In order to transpose a matrix, write out the what was row and put a semicolon at the end to make a column
a=matr­ixn­ame­(row, column)
b=matr­ixn­ame­(:,1) would result in the entire first column
v=[ 2 4 6 3; 6 9 4 3] would have a matrix like: