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FAWE Keyboard Shortcuts (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Command Syntax

A required parameter
An optional parameter
Multiple parameters options
Default or suggested value
A command flag e.g. //<­com­man­d> -a [flag-­value]
To view this inform­ation ingame use
//help [categ­ory­|co­mmand]

Brushes (equip­ping)

Bind to any click:
/br <br­ush> 
Equip it to right click:
/br primary <br­ush>
Equip it to left click:
/br secondary <br­ush>
FAWE has brush tools that allow you to build and draw from far away. When you enable a brush, it gets bound to your currently held item. You can have different tools bound to different items and up to two brushes bound to a single item.