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Quasi Possession and the MVS Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

PVL2002 - UCT Law of Property

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Introd­uctory Principles

1. Incorp­oreal Things
An intangible thing. Example: Usufru­nct­/Se­rvitude (a limited real right) which can itself be the object of a real right (i.e. a right of real security)
2. Quasi Possession
While cannot physically possess a right, the use of it = quasi posses­sion. These causes typically involve the right to use something (i.e. servitude to draw water. Complaint: water cut off)
3. Mandament not based on 'merits'
MVS only concerned with with ius posses­sio­ndis. Facto probanda must be proved in terms of quasi possession
4. Challenge when the thing is a right
Dont we need to look at the right itself in order to see whether the plantiff was in possession of said right?
5. Can't use MVS to claim contra­ctual perfor­mance
You need to sue in contract for specific perfor­mance and prove merits of case in courts.
So: Contract to draw water in return for R20/day = contra­ctual remedy
Has Praedial servitude to draw water = quasi possession = MVS
But how can we KNOW if B’s right is a contra­ctual right or a servitude if we don’t invest­igate the right? Don’t we need to look at the merits?

History of protection of quasi-­pos­session

It's accepted that the possession of incorp­oreals essent­ially consists of the exercise of the professed right. To prevent the exercise of such a [profe­ssed] right = spolia­tion.
How to protect exercise of a right unless there IS a right? Before plaintiffs had to prove the professed right to prove quasi possession of the right. Kleyn: wrong approach, it requires the court to look at the merits.

Bon Quelle v Munici­pality Otavi (autho­rity)

Town drew water from Otavif­ontein, owner cuts water off. Munici­pality brought MVS against him
Bon Quelle argued town must prove right to water “because we are not dealing with recovery of corporeal property but recovery of respon­dent’s alleged right. Thus it is necessary to prove the existence of the right that has been allegedly interfered with.
Argument rejected: Applic­ant's ius possidendi never considered in MVS. MVS is an urgent applic­ation to restore the status quo. Return to court later to consider of merits of the dispute
Before respondent exercised powers of a servitude holder, believing he did bc of servitude. This is the status quo to be restored until court sits.
So, with Quasi Possession of Servitude
You do not need to prve you really do have a legal right, but rather just possession of the servitude. You do this by proving factual use of the servitude:
-Prove that you exercised powers of servitude holder as if you really had a servitude.
Then prove unlawful dispos­session

MVS protects p. rights that arise from contract

Courts permit use of the MVS to protect use rights which arise from contract when the personal right is (Freed­man):
- Right of Use
- And this use-right is “an incident of posses­­sion” of the tangible property. Interf­­erence with use-right = interf­­erence with possession of the tangible thing itself
Incident of [physical] possession cases: In terms of USE of a THING (Kleyn)
Premises are occupied & provided w services. Dispute leads to one party termin­­ating these services through self-help which interferes with an incident of their possession of premises.

Naidoo v Moodley [incident of possession case]

M had a contract of lease- incl. provision of electr­icity.
Dispute over the lease - N cut electr­icity - M brought the MVS to have electr­icity supply restored
N argued M demanding specific perfor­mance - MVS not appropiate remedy
Court Held
Use of the electr­icity was an “incident of occupa­tion” of the premises - M did physically occupy (or possess) the premises: Occupied the residence - physically present x using its appurt­enances (power).
He [quasi] possessed this use right by actually using it

Telkom v Xsinet

Xsinet leased telephone lines from Telkom so that could provide an internet service to its customers
Contra­ctual dispute: Telkom stopped providing the telephone lines - Xsinet brought MVS to have lines restored
Court Held:
- This was a contra­ctual dispute, not incident of possession
- Led to unnece­ssary confusion, because contra­ctual rights CAN give rise to USE rights that CAN be protected by the mandament, provided that are an incident of possession

City of Cape Town v Strümpher

S owned and managed a caravan park, supplied with water by CityofCT for 37 years in terms of contract - Dispute about water bill after water meter defective - Did not pay water bill - City cut water in terms of water bylaws & debt collection bylaws-S brought the MVS
City Argued: Contra­­ctual Dispute, not unlawful dispos­­se­ssion bc summary termin­­ation of water provided for in the City’s water bylaws and debt collection laws
Was dispos­session unlawful? : Held: unlawful: City didnt comply with s 4(3)(a) of Water Services Act: discon­nection to be “fair and equita­ble”.+ City failed to follow dispute resolution procedures = Thus insuff­icient justif­ication for the discon­nection
Were the rights suitable for protection by the mandament?
Residents forced to contract with City if they want municipal water but right to water is not just an ordinary contra­ctual right. Not only personal rights bc these rights absorbed by statutory rights in terms of the Water Services Act, which put into operation the right to water in s 27. Thus S had public law rights arising from statute and Consti­tution indepe­ndently of the contract [ie distin­guished Telkom v Xsinet]
The court decided that interf­erence with a public law right to water (arising from statute, and also based on the Consti­tution) = grounds for the MVS
Para 19
Respon­dent’s rights to water were not merely personal rights flowing from a contract, but public-law rights to receive water, which exist indepe­ndently of any contra­ctual relati­onship the respondent had with the City. The respon­dent’s use of the water was an incident of  posse­ssion of the property. Clearly interf­erence by the City with the respon­dent’s access to the water supply was akin to depriv­ation of possession of property
Academic Comments on Para 19
Freedman: Court misint­erp­reted Impala bc it was based on a real right under the Water Act of 1956. Not clear if Strümpher was based on incident of possession of property principle (which concerns personal rights) or the real right argument in Impala.
Kleyn: Above abt Impala
Boggenpoel: Impala and Strümpher focus on the nature of the right dispos­sessed and emphasize that not merely contra­ctual. Impala gives impression that mandament available where statutory rights dispos­sessed; Strümpher seems to expand this to dispos­session of consti­tut­ional rights. This is in reaction to Telkom v Xsinet, but it seems to detract from the parallel jurisp­rudence based on use of the service as an incident of possession In the end, both cases use this principle, but Strümpher does not really examine the facts (ie whether use of the water really was an incident of posses­sion.
General: The danger of focusing on the nature of the rights (in an effort to prove NOT contra­ctual) means is that the court might stray into a consid­eration of the merits … or will require some kind of proof that the right is not contra­ctual This is unnece­ssary because in both Impala and Strümpher [and many other cases] use of the water/­ser­vic­e/r­esource was an incident of possession and therefore suitable for protection against spoliation even if it DID arise from contract

Impala Water Users’ Associ­ation v Lourens

Dispute between Water Users’ Associ­ation and the farmers about the price of water - Farmers refused to pay increase - WUA stopped the water - Impala issued MVS - WUA argued this was a contra­ctual dispute - Farmers used MVS.
Court Held
Not ordinary personal rights but arising from statute.
Use of the water = “incident of posses­sion” of each farm bc water rights were linked to and registered in respect of a certain portion of each farm, & used for sugar cane, which was dependent on the water supply . Possession was interfered with my the WUA
Quasi-­pos­session of the use right is proved by actual use [Bon Quelle] - can use MVS
Academic Critique from Keynes
Why stress rights registered in terms of a statute? Even if merely contra­ctual, the right of use that = incident of possession of the farms.