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Introduction to International Relations - Grieco Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Chapters 1-6, 7-8, 13

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Levels of analysis (1)

Individual Level
Important individual make decisions
Impact of individual citizens
Psychology of state leaders
State Level
Political and economical charac­ter­istics of a state
Conflict depends on systems at home
Intern­ational Level
Anarchy and hunger for power= war
Intern­ational organi­sations

Intern­ational System History (2)

Peace of Westphilia 1648
Made sovereign states
Nation­alised military (no private)
Pope market loss
Concert of Europe 1814
(Failed) congress between great eur powers
Scramble for Africa 1870
Interwar 1919-1939
Failed recons­tru­ction
Great Depression
Cold War 1945-1989
UN 1944
Truman Doctrine 1947
Marshall Plan
NATO 1949
Warsaw Pact 1955
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
Contem­porary Int Order 1989-now

IR Theories (3)

Rational unitary actors in anarchy
Self-help system
Zero-sum game
Balance of power
Rational non-un­itary actors in anarchy
More than military power matters
NGOs, IGOs, economic unions, intern­​at­ional regimes, etc
States mutually dependent
Interests shaped by identity
Elites as biggest actors
Identity shaped by culture, religion, norms, etc
"­Anarchy is what states make of it"
Main actors - socio-­eco­nomic classes
Political interest determined by class
State structure - lower serve higher
Class conflict defines relations - prolet­ariat vs Cbourg­eoisie
Revolution creates political change
Women not repres­ented

Foreign Policy (4)

Situation that govern­ments want to exists, so they are willing to pay a price
Use of military means to achieve political aims
Altern­atively grand strategy - use of all natural resources for political aims
Strategy - persuasion
Diplomacy- discussing matters (bilateral or multil­ateral)
Incentives - benefits to a state
Strategy - Coercion
Sanctions, propag­anda, covert operations
Sources of Foreign Policy
Individual - leaders and psychology
State - instit­utions within national govern­ments, execut­ive­s/l­egi­sla­tures, public opinion, elections, news, interest groups
Intern­ational - geography, relative economic develo­pment, national capabi­lities
Changes in Foreign Policy
Individual - leaders learning, leadership turnover,
State - domestic regime change, NGOs and interest groups
Intern­ational - external shocks, changes in relative power
